Study Management Abroad with Emonovo

Management involves planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources to achieve specific goals. This field includes areas such as strategic management, operations management, and human resource management. Students learn to develop and implement strategies to improve organizational performance. Studying abroad in management through Emonovo provides exposure to international management practices and theories, enhancing their ability to lead in diverse business environments.

Save up to £4,000
City, University of London logo

City, University of London

Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB, United Kingdom

International Graduate Diploma in Economics and Social Sciences (Postgrad)

progression programs:

  1. Business Economics-MSc
  2. Creative Writing and Publishing-MA
  3. Criminology and Criminal Justice-MSc
  4. Culture, Policy and Management-MA
  5. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy-MA
  6. Economic Evaluation in Healthcare-MSc
  7. Food Policy-MSc
  8. Global Creative Industries-MA
  9. Global Political Economy-MA
  10. Health Economics-MSc
  11. Health Management-MSc
  12. Health Policy-MSc
  13. International Business Economics-MSc
  14. International Communications and Development-MA
  15. International Politics and Human Rights-MA
  16. International Politics-MA
  17. Media and Communications-MA
  18. Project Management, Finance and Risk-MSc
  19. Publishing/International Publishing-MA
  20. Research Methods-MSc

Degree type

Master, Pre-Master’s

Pathway duration

Annual tuition fees

$8,850 $13,573


Jan, Sep
Save up to €3,000
University College Dublin logo

University College Dublin

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

Business, Economics and Finance (Undergrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Business and Law BBL (Hons)
  2. Business BSc
  3. Commerce BComm
  4. Economics and Finance BSc

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

3 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$17,122 $20,383


Jan, Sep
Save up to $10,000.00
Long Island University, Brooklyn logo

Long Island University, Brooklyn

1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201, United States

School of Business, Public Administration and Information Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Accounting
  2. Business Administration
  3. Finance
  4. Entrepreneurship
  5. Marketing

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$29,458 $39,458


Jan, Sep
Colorado State University logo

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, Colorado in the USA

Faculty of Business (Postgrad)

  1. Impact MBA (M.B.A.)
  2. GD Degree – Finance (M.F.I.N.)

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees



Not Defined Intakes
Save up to 15%
University of Europe for Applied Sciences (Dubai) logo

University of Europe for Applied Sciences (Dubai)

The Offices 3 – One Central, Dubai World Trade Centre – Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Postgraduate degrees (Postgrad)

  1. MBA
  2. MBA: Financial Management
  3. MBA: Investment Banking
  4. MBA: Marketing Management
  5. MBA: Project Management
  6. MBA: Sales Management
  7. MBA: Financial Risk Management
  8. MBA: International Business
  9. MBA: Management Consulting
  10. MBA: Diplomacy
  11. MBA: Shipping and Logistic
  12. MSc Data Science
  13. MSc Software Engineering
  14. MA Visual and Experience Design
  15. MA Innovation Design Management

Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 16,072 USD18,909


Apr, Sep
Save up to 15%
University of Exeter logo

University of Exeter

Stocker Rd, Exeter EX4 4PY, United Kingdom

Exeter International Graduate Diploma (Postgrad)

  1. Accounting and Finance-MSc
  2. Advanced Computer Science with Business-MSc
  3. Advanced Computer Science-MSc
  4. Applied Data Science (Ecology and Evolution)-MSc
  5. Applied Data Science (Environment and Sustainability)-MSc
  6. Applied Data Science (Renewable Energy)-MSc
  7. Applied Data Science and Modelling-MSc
  8. Applied Data Science and Statistics-MSc
  9. Business Analytics-MSc
  10. Creativity: Innovation and Business Strategy-MA
  11. Curation: Art and Business-MA
  12. Data Science with Artificial Intelligence-MSc
  13. Data Science-MSc
  14. Digital Marketing-MSc
  15. Education Leadership and Management-MA
  16. Educational Research-MSc
  17. Engineering Business Management-MSc
  18. Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management-MSc
  19. Finance and Investment-MSc
  20. Finance and Management-MSc
  21. Finance and Marketing-MSc
  22. Financial Analysis and Fund Management-MSc
  23. Financial Technology (Fintech)-MSc
  24. Human Resource Management-MSc
  25. International Business-MSc
  26. International Education-MA
  27. International Human Resource Management-MSc
  28. International Supply Chain Management-MSc
  29. Management-MSc
  30. Marketing-MSc
  31. Masters Public Administration-MPA
  32. Money, Banking & Finance-MSc
  33. Publishing-MA
  34. Special Educational Needs-MA
  35. Sustainable Development-MSc
  36. Technology, Creativity and Thinking in Education-MA
  37. The Exeter MBA-MBA

Degree type


Pathway duration

3 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$23,506 $27,189


Sep, Jan
Luiss University logo

Luiss University

Viale Romania, 32, 00197 Roma RM, Italy

Faculty of Economics and Finance (Undergrad)

  1. Economics and Management
  2. Economics and Business
  3. Politics, Philosophy and Economics

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

EUR 12,000


Save up to $13,500
University of Nevada, Reno logo

University of Nevada, Reno

1664 N Virginia St, Reno, NV 89557, United States

College of Business (Undergrad)

  1. Communication Studies BA
  2. Economics and Agricultural Science BA Dual
  3. Pre-Business Administration
  4. Pre-Business Administration in International Business
  5. Pre-Business/Management DM BSBUS
  6. Pre-Business/Marketing DM BSBUS

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 13,392 USD26,892


May, Aug, Jan
American University logo

American University

4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, United States

School of Public Affairs (Postgrad)

  1. Data Science (MS)
  2. Political Science (MA)
  3. Public Administration (MPA)
  4. Public Policy (MPP)

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees



University of Alabama at Birmingham logo

University of Alabama at Birmingham

1720 University Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35294, United States

International Year One in Business (Undergrad)

  1. Accounting-B.S.
  2. Economics-B.S.
  3. Entrepreneurship-B.S.
  4. Finance-B.S.
  5. Human Resource Management-B.S.
  6. Industrial Distribution-B.S.
  7. Information Systems-B.S.
  8. Management-B.S.
  9. Marketing-B.S.


4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Jan, May, Aug
University of Southampton logo

University of Southampton

University Rd, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom

Business, Economics, Finance and Management (Postgrad)

progression routes:

  1. MA Global Advertising and Branding
  2. MA International Music Management
  3. MSc Accounting and Finance
  4. MSc Accounting and Management
  5. MSc Business Strategy and Innovation Management
  6. MSc Digital Business
  7. MSc Digital Marketing
  8. MSc Digital Strategy and Information Systems
  9. MSc Human Resource Management
  10. MSc International Entrepreneurship and Management
  11. MSc International Management
  12. MSc Marketing Management
  13. MSc Project Management

Degree type


Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

GBP 28,785


Jan, Sep
Save up to £3000
London Metropolitan University logo

London Metropolitan University

166-220 Holloway Rd, London N7 8DB, United Kingdom

Pre-master programs (Postgrad)

January intake:

  1. Extended Masters – MSc International Business Management*
  2. Extended Masters – MSc International Business Management with Project Management*
  3. Extended Masters – Master of Business Administration
  4. Extended Masters – MSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security
  5. Extended Masters – MSc Data Analytics
  6. Extended Masters – Project Management*
  7. Extended Masters – Public Health

may intake:

  1. Extended Masters – MSc International Business Management*
  2. Extended Masters – MSc International Business Management with Project Management*
  3. Extended Masters – Master of Business Administration
  4. Extended Masters – MSc Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability*
  5. Extended Masters – MSc International Banking and Finance
  6. Extended Masters – MSc International Trade and Finance
  7. Extended Masters – MSc Project Management*
  8. Extended Masters – MA Marketing*
  9. Extended Masters – MA Global Human Resource Management*
  10. Extended Masters – MSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security
  11. Extended Masters – MSc Data Analytics
  12. Extended Masters – MA Digital Media
  13. Extended Masters – MSc Public Health
  14. Extended Masters – MSc Biomedical Sciences
  15. Extended Masters – MA Education
  16. Extended Masters – MA International Relations
  17. Extended Masters – MA Interpreting*
  18. Extended Masters – MA Interior Design
  19. Extended Masters – MA Organized Crime and Global Security
  20. Extended Masters – MSc Criminology
  21. Extended Masters – MSc Health and Social Care Management and Policy


Degree type


Pathway duration

1 Terms

Annual tuition fees

GBP 21,150 GBP24,250


Jan, May

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