Study Visual Arts/Fine Arts (painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video, film making) Abroad with Emonovo

Visual Arts encompass a variety of artistic disciplines, including painting, photography, sculpture, and digital media. This field emphasizes the creation and analysis of visual works of art. Students learn to develop their creative skills and artistic vision. Studying abroad in visual arts through Emonovo offers exposure to global artistic practices and opportunities to engage with diverse visual art traditions.

Save up to 15%
University of Exeter logo

University of Exeter

Stocker Rd, Exeter EX4 4PY, United Kingdom

Exeter International Foundation (Undergrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Accounting and Business-BSc (Hons)
  2. Accounting and Finance-BSc (Hons)
  3. Business Economics-BSc (Hons)
  4. Economics and Finance-BSc (Hons)
  5. Economics and Politics-BSc (Hons)
  6. Economics with Econometrics-BSc (Hons)
  7. Economics-BSc (Hons)
  8. Mathematics with Accounting-BSc (Hons)
  9. Mathematics with Accounting-MSci
  10. Mathematics with Economics-BSc (Hons)
  11. Mathematics with Economics-MSci (Hons)
  12. Mathematics with Finance-BSc (Hons)
  13. Mathematics with Finance-MSci (Hons)
  14. Politics, Philosophy and Economics-BA (Hons)
  15. Art History & Visual Culture and Classical Studies-BA (Hons)
  16. Art History & Visual Culture and Drama-BA (Hons)
  17. Art History & Visual Culture and English-BA (Hons)
  18. Art History & Visual Culture and Film & Television Studies-BA (Hons)
  19. Art History & Visual Culture and History-BA (Hons)
  20. Art History & Visual Culture-BA (Hons)
  21. Drama and Film & Televison Studies-BA (Hons)
  22. Drama-BA (Hons)
  23. English and Drama-BA (Hons)
  24. English and Film & Television Studies-BA (Hons)
  25. Film & Television Studies and Communications-BA (Hons)
  26. Film & Television Studies-BA (Hons)
  27. Liberal Arts-BA (Hons)
  28. Business Analytics-BSc (Hons)
  29. Business and Environment-BSc (Hons)
  30. Business and Laws-BBL (Hons)
  31. Business and Management-BSc (Hons)
  32. Business-BSc (Hons)
  33. Engineering and Management-BEng (Hons)
  34. Engineering and Management-MEng (Hons)
  35. History and Business-BA (Hons)
  36. Law With Business-LLB (Hons)
  37. Marketing and Management-BSc (Hons)
  38. Mathematics with Economics-BSc (Hons)
  39. Mathematics with Economics-MSci (Hons)
  40. Computer Science and Mathematics-BSc (Hons)
  41. Computer Science and Mathematics-MSci (Hons)
  42. Computer Science-BSc (Hons)
  43. Computer Science-MSci (Hons)
  44. Geography with Applied Geographical Information Systems (GIS)-BSc (Hons)
  45. Civil Engineering-BEng (Hons)
  46. Civil Engineering-MEng (Hons)
  47. Electronic Engineering-BEng (Hons)
  48. Electronic Engineering-MEng (Hons)
  49. Engineering and Entrepreneurship-BEng (Hons)
  50. Engineering and Management-BEng (Hons)
  51. Engineering and Management-MEng (Hons)
  52. Engineering-BEng (Hons)
  53. Engineering-MEng (Hons)
  54. Mechanical Engineering-BEng (Hons)
  55. Mechanical Engineering-MEng (Hons)
  56. Renewable Energy Engineering-BEng (Hons)
  57. Renewable Energy Engineering-MEng (Hons)
  58. Archaeological Science-BSc (Hons)
  59. Archaeology with Forensic Science-BSc (Hons)
  60. Biochemistry-BSc (Hons)
  61. Biological and Medicinal Chemistry-BSc (Hons)
  62. Biological Sciences-BSc (Hons)
  63. Business and Environment-BSc (Hons)
  64. Conservation Biology and Ecology-BSc (Hons)
  65. Conservation Biology and Ecology-MSci (Hons)
  66. Crime and Data Science-BSc (Hons)
  67. Data Science-BSc (Hons)
  68. Data Science-MSci (Hons)
  69. Engineering Geology and Geotechnics-BSc (Hons)
  70. Engineering Geology and Geotechnics-MSci (Hons)
  71. Environmental Geoscience-BSc (Hons)
  72. Environmental Humanities-BA (Hons)
  73. Environmental Science with Professional Placement-BSc (Hons)
  74. Ancient History and Archaeology-BA (Hons)
  75. Ancient History-BA (Hons)
  76. Anthropology-BA (Hons)
  77. Applied Psychology (Clinical)-MSci (Hons)
  78. Arabic and Islamic Studies-MArabic (Hons)
  79. Arabic and Politics-BA (Hons)
  80. Archaeology and Anthropology-BA (Hons)
  81. Archaeology with Forensic Science-BSc (Hons)
  82. Archaeology-BA (Hons)
  83. Business and Laws-BBL (Hons)
  84. Classical Studies and English-BA (Hons)
  85. Classical Studies and Philosophy-BA (Hons)
  86. Communications-BA (Hons)
  87. Criminology-BSc (Hons)

Degree type

Bachelor, Foundation year

Pathway duration

3 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$19,608 $23,286


Sep, Jan
Save up to $13,500
University of Nevada, Reno logo

University of Nevada, Reno

1664 N Virginia St, Reno, NV 89557, United States

College of Music, Theater and the Arts (Undergrad)

  1. Applied Music BM
  2. Art BA
  3. Art BFA
  4. Dance BA
  5. Music BA
  6. Music Education BM
  7. Musical Theatre BA
  8. Theatre BA

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 13,392 USD26,892


May, Aug, Jan
University at Buffalo logo

University at Buffalo

Buffalo, NY 14260, United States

College of Arts And Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. African-American Studies
  2. American Studies
  3. Anthropology
  4. Art (Studio Art)
  5. Art History
  6. Asian Studies
  7. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  8. Biological Sciences
  9. Chemistry
  10. Classics
  11. Communication
  12. Computational Linguistics
  13. Computational Physics
  14. Criminology
  15. Dance
  16. Economics
  17. English
  18. Environmental Geosciences
  19. Environmental Studies
  20. Environmental Sustainability
  21. Exploratory
  22. Film Studies
  23. Fine Arts BFA
  24. French
  25. Geographic Information Science
  26. Geography
  27. Geological Sciences
  28. German
  29. Global Affairs
  30. Global Gender Studies
  31. Health and Human Services
  32. History
  33. International Trade
  34. Italian
  35. Jewish Studies
  36. Legal Studies
  37. Linguistics
  38. Mathematical Physics
  39. Mathematics
  40. Mathematics-Economics
  41. Media Study
  42. Medicinal Chemistry
  43. Music
  44. Music Performance
  45. Music Theatre
  46. Philosophy
  47. Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  48. Physics
  49. Political Science
  50. Psychology
  51. Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
  52. Sociology
  53. Spanish
  54. Speech and Hearing Science
  55. Theatre
  56. Urban and Public Policy Studies

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Aug, Jan
Save up to $10,000.00
Louisiana State University logo

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA

College of Art & Design (Undergrad)

  1. Architecture
  2. Interior Design
  3. Landscape Architecture
  4. Digital Art
  5. Graphic Design
  6. Studio Art – Ceramics
  7. Studio Art – Paint and Drawing
  8. Studio Art – Photography
  9. Studio Art – Printmaking
  10. Studio Art – Sculpture

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$19,700 $29,700


Aug, Jan
Save up to 50%
ITM University Gwalior logo

ITM University Gwalior

Jhansi Rd, Turari, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474001, India

School of Arts and Design (Undergrad)

  1. B.Sc. (Interior Design)
  2. B.Sc. (Fashion Design)

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$1,071 $2,143


Save up to £4,000
De Montfort University logo

De Montfort University

Gateway House, Leicester LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

International Year Zero – Media (Undergrad)

Continuation degrees:

  1. Music Production
  2. English Literature with Mandarin
  3. Photography
  4. Media Production
  5. Music Technology
  6. Visual Effects
  7. Creative Music Technology
  8. Performing Arts
  9. Media and Communication with Modern Languages
  10. Media and Communication
  11. Film Studies
  12. English Literature
  13. English Language with TESOL
  14. English Language with Mandarin
  15. Creative Writing
  16. Drama
  17. English Language
  18. Fashion Buying with Merchandising
  19. Fashion Buying with Marketing
  20. Arts and Festivals Management

Degree type

Bachelor, Foundation year

Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$15,151 $20,199


Jan, Sep
Undergraduate degrees (Undergrad) logo

Undergraduate degrees (Undergrad)

Undergraduate degrees (Undergrad)

  1. Anthropology, BA
  2. Contemporary Dance, BA
  3. Contemporary Music, BA
  4. Creative Writing, BA
  5. Culture and Media, BA
  6. Economics, BA
  7. Environmental Studies, BA
  8. Environmental Studies, BS
  9. Food Studies, AAS
  10. Food Studies, BA
  11. Food Studies, BS
  12. Global Studies, BA
  13. Global Studies, BS
  14. History, BA
  15. Interdisciplinary Science, BA
  16. Journalism and Design, BA
  17. Liberal Arts, BA
  18. Liberal Arts, BS
  19. Literary Studies, BA
  20. Management, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship, BA
  21. Management, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship, BS
  22. Media Studies, BA
  23. Media Studies, BS
  24. Musical Theater, BFA
  25. Philosophy, BA
  26. Politics, BA
  27. Psychology, BA
  28. Screen Studies, BA
  29. Sociology, BA
  30. The Arts: Arts in Context, BA
  31. The Arts: Visual Studies, BA
  32. Theater, BA
  33. Urban Studies, BA

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Not Defined Intakes
Save up to $4,838.00
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of Literature (Undergrad)

  1. BA English and Comparative Literature
  2. BA English and United States Literature
  3. BA Literature and Creative Writing
  4. BA Literature and Sociology
  5. BA Literature and Art History
  6. BA Creative Writing
  7. BA Drama and Literature
  8. BA English Language and Literature
  9. BA English Literature
  10. BA Film and Creative Writing
  11. BA Film Studies and Literature
  12. BA History and Literature
  13. BA Journalism and Literature
  14. BA Philosophy and Literature
  15. LLB Law with Literature

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$17,633 $22,471


Oct, Jan
Widener University logo

Widener University

One University Pl, Chester, PA 19013, United States

College of Arts and Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Anthropology, BA
  2. Biochemistry, BS
  3. Biology, BA
  4. Biology, BS
  5. Chemistry, BA
  6. Chemistry, BS
  7. Communication Studies, BA
  8. Computer Information Systems, BS
  9. Computer Science, BS
  10. Creative Writing, BA
  11. Criminal Justice, BA
  12. Digital Media Informatics, BA
  13. English, BA
  14. Environmental Health and Sustainability Management, BA
  15. Environmental Science, BS
  16. French, BA
  17. Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, BA
  18. Green Chemistry, BS
  19. History, BA
  20. International Relations, BA
  21. Mathematics, BS
  22. Physics, BS
  23. Political Science, BA
  24. Psychology, BA
  25. Sociology w/ Civic Engagement & Social Change, BA
  26. Sociology w/ Health & Society, BA
  27. Sociology, BA
  28. Spanish, BA
  29. Visual and Performing Arts, BA

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 54,660


Aug, Jan
University of Southampton logo

University of Southampton

University Rd, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom

Art and Design (Postgrad)

progression routes:

  1. MA Communication Design
  2. MA Contemporary Curating
  3. MA Design Management
  4. MA Digital Media Practices
  5. MA English Literary Studies (Eighteenth Century)
  6. MA English Literary Studies (Nineteenth Century)
  7. MA English Literary Studies (Postcolonial and World Literatures)
  8. MA English Literary Studies (Twentieth Century and Contemporary)
  9. MA Fashion Design
  10. MA Fashion Management
  11. MA Fashion Marketing and Branding
  12. MA Fine Art
  13. MA Luxury Brand Management
  14. MA Textile Design

Degree type


Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

GBP 28,785


Jan, Sep
Save up to £1,000
Leeds Beckett University logo

Leeds Beckett University

Leeds LS1 3HE, United Kingdom

Business, Law and Social Studies (Undergrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Accounting and Finance BA (Hons)
  2. Architectural Technology BSc (Hons)
  3. Architecture BA (Hons)
  4. Audio Engineering BSc (Hons)
  5. Broadcast Media Technologies BSc (Hons)
  6. Building Surveying BSc (Hons)
  7. Business Accounting with Finance BA (Hons)
  8. Business and Management BA (Hons)
  9. Business Economics BA (Hons)
  10. Business Management with Enterprise BA (Hons)
  11. Business Management with Finance BA (Hons)
  12. Business Management with Law BA (Hons)
  13. Business Management with Marketing BA (Hons)
  14. Business Studies BA (Hons)
  15. Childhood Studies BA (Hons)
  16. Computer Science BSc (Hons)
  17. Construction Management BSc (Hons)
  18. Creative Media Technology BSc (Hons)
  19. Creative Writing BA (Hons)
  20. Criminology BA (Hons)
  21. Criminology with Psychology BA (Hons)
  22. Cyber Security and Digital Forensics BSc (Hons)
  23. Cyber Security BSc (Hons)
  24. Dance BA (Hons)
  25. Digital Marketing BA (Hons)
  26. Economics & Finance BA (Hons)
  27. English & History BA (Hons)
  28. English Literature BA (Hons)
  29. English with Creative Writing BA (Hons)
  30. Events Management BA (Hons)
  31. Fashion BA (Hons)
  32. Fashion Marketing BA (Hons)
  33. Filmmaking BA (Hons)
  34. Fine Art BA (Hons)
  35. Games Art BA (Hons)
  36. Games Design BSc (Hons)
  37. Geography and Environmental Science BSc (Hons)
  38. Geography BSc (Hons)
  39. Graphic Design BA (Hons)
  40. History and Media BA (Hons)
  41. History and Politics BA (Hons)
  42. History BA (Hons)
  43. Hospitality Business Management BSc (Hons)
  44. Hospitality Business Management with Marketing BSc (Hons)
  45. Housing Studies BA (Hons)
  46. Human Geography BA (Hons)
  47. Human Geography & Planning BA (Hons)
  48. Human Resource Management and Business BSc (Hons)
  49. Illustration BA (Hons)
  50. Interior Architecture & Design BA (Hons)
  51. International Business BA (Hons)
  52. International Relations BA (Hons)
  53. International Relations with Global Development BA (Hons)
  54. International Relations with Human Rights BA (Hons)
  55. International Relations with Politics BA (Hons)
  56. International Tourism Management BA (Hons)
  57. International Tourism Management with Marketing BA (Hons)
  58. Journalism BA (Hons)
  59. Landscape Architecture & Design BA (Hons)
  60. Law with Criminology LLB (Hons)
  61. Marketing and Public Relations BA (Hons)
  62. Marketing Management BA (Hons)
  63. Marketing with Advertising Management BA (Hons)
  64. Media and English BA (Hons)
  65. Media, Communication, Cultures BA (Hons)
  66. Music Industries Management BA (Hons)
  67. Music Performance & Production BA (Hons)
  68. Music Production BA (Hons)
  69. Music Technology BSc (Hons)
  70. Performing Arts BA (Hons)
  71. Physical Education BA (Hons)
  72. Physical Education with Outdoor Education BA (Hons)
  73. Politics BA (Hons)
  74. Politics with Global Development BA (Hons)
  75. Politics with Human Rights BA (Hons)
  76. Politics with International Relations BA (Hons)
  77. Product Design BA (Hons)
  78. Project Management BSc (Hons)
  79. Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons)
  80. Safety, Health and Environmental Management BSc (Hons)
  81. Social Psychology BA (Hons)
  82. Sociology & Psychological Studies BA (Hons)
  83. Sociology and Criminology BA (Hons)
  84. Sociology BA (Hons)
  85. Sport Business Management BA (Hons)
  86. Sport Development BA (Hons)
  87. Sport Marketing BA (Hons)
  88. Sports Coaching BSc (Hons)
  89. Sports Journalism BA (Hons)
  90. Sports Journalism BSc (Hons)
  91. Theatre and Performance BA (Hons)

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$13,520 $14,782


Jan, Sep, Nov
Save up to £2000
University of Lincoln logo

University of Lincoln

Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS, United Kingdom

Lincoln School of Film, Media and Journalism (Postgrad)

Postgraduate Research programs:

  1. Journalism – MA by Research
  2. Journalism – MPhil/PhD
  3. Media (including by practice) – MPhil/PhD
  4. Media and Cultural Studies – MA by Research
  5. Media and Cultural Studies (Research) – MPhil/PhD

Postgraduate taught programs:

  1. Film Production – MA
  2. Journalism – MA
  3. Journalism (Arts) – MA
  4. Journalism (Science and Environment) – MA
  5. Journalism (Sports) – MA
  6. Journalism (War and International Human Rights) – MA
  7. Media and Communications – MA 



Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees

$20,286 $22,838


1 3 4 5 6 7 15

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