Study Architecture Abroad with Emonovo

Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. This field combines creativity with technical knowledge to create functional, aesthetic, and sustainable environments. Students learn about design principles, building materials, structural systems, and environmental considerations. Studying abroad in Architecture through Emonovo offers a chance to experience diverse architectural styles and practices.

Kingston University, London logo

Kingston University, London

55-59 Penrhyn Rd, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2EE, United Kingdom

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Undergrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons)
  2. Architecture BA (Hons) BA
  3. Aviation Engineering BEng (Hons)
  4. Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
  5. Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)
  6. Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
  7. Building Surveying BSc (Hons)
  8. Chemistry BSc (Hons) BSc
  9. Civil & Infrastructure Engineering BEng (Hons)
  10. Computer Games Programming BSc (Hons)
  11. Computer Science BSc (Hons)
  12. Construction Engineering Management BSc (Hons)
  13. Cyber Security and Digital Forensics BSc (Hons)
  14. Digital Media Technology BSc (Hons)
  15. Environmental Science BSc (Hons)
  16. Environmental Science with Hazards and Disasters BSc (Hons)
  17. Forensic Science BSc (Hons)
  18. Geography BSc (Hons)
  19. Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) BEng (Hons)
  20. Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
  21. Nutrition (Exercise and Health) BSc (Hons)
  22. Nutrition (Human Nutrition) BSc (Hons)
  23. Pharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons)
  24. Pharmacology BSc (Hons)
  25. Quantity Surveying Consultancy BSc (Hons)
  26. Sport Science (Coaching) BSc (Hons)
  27. Sport Science BSc (Hons)

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

3 Terms

Annual tuition fees



Jan, Sep
Save up to £2000
University of Lincoln logo

University of Lincoln

Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS, United Kingdom

School of Architecture and the Built Environment (Postgrad)

Postgraduate Research programs:

  1. Architecture- Research Opportunities – MPhil/PhD
  2. Construction Science and Management – MPhil/PhD

Postgraduate taught programs:

  1. Construction Science and Management – MSc
  2. Interior Architecture and Design – MA
  3. Interior Architecture and Design with Professional Practice – MA
  4. Master of Architecture – MArch



Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees

$20,286 $22,838


Save up to £2,500
Cardiff University logo

Cardiff University

Cardiff CF10 3AT, United Kingdom

Engineering, Physical Sciences and Architecture (Undergrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Applied Software Engineering BSc (Hons)
  2. Architectural Engineering BEng
  3. Architectural Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng B
  4. Architecture BSc (Hons)
  5. Architecture MArch
  6. Astrophysics BSc (Hons)
  7. Astrophysics MPhys
  8. Chemistry BSc (Hons)
  9. Chemistry with a Placement Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
  10. Chemistry with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons)
  11. Civil and Environmental Engineering BEng
  12. Civil and Environmental Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng
  13. Civil Engineering BEng
  14. Civil Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng
  15. Computer Science BSc (Hons)
  16. Computer Science with Security and Forensics BSc (Hons)
  17. Computer Science with Security and Forensics with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons)
  18. Computer Science with Year in Industry BSc (Hons)
  19. Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng
  20. Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng
  21. Environmental Geography BSc (Hons)
  22. Environmental Geography MSci
  23. Environmental Geography with a Year of Study Abroad BSc (Hons)
  24. Environmental Geoscience BSc (Hons)
  25. Environmental Geoscience MSci
  26. Environmental Geoscience with a Year of Study Abroad BSc (Hons)
  27. Environmental Geoscience with Professional Placement BSc (Hons)
  28. Environmental Sustainability Science BSc (Hons)
  29. Exploration Geology BSc (Hons) BSc
  30. Exploration Geology MSci
  31. Exploration Geology with a Professional Placement Year BSc (Hons)
  32. Exploration Geology with a Year of Study Abroad BSc (Hons)
  33. Geology BSc (Hons)
  34. Geology MSci
  35. Geology with a Year of Study Abroad BSc (Hons)
  36. Human Geography and Planning BSc (Hons)
  37. Human Geography and Planning with Professional Placement Year (Accredited) BSc (Hons)
  38. Human Geography with a Professional Placement Year BSc (Hons)
  39. Integrated Engineering BEng
  40. Integrated Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng
  41. Marine Geography BSc (Hons)
  42. Marine Geography MSci
  43. Marine Geography with a Year of Study Abroad BSc (Hons)
  44. Marine Geography with Professional Placement BSc (Hons)
  45. Mathematics MMath
  46. Mathematics MMath BSc (Hons)
  47. Mathematics Operational Research and Statistics BSc (Hons)
  48. Mathematics Operational Research and Statistics with a Professional Placement BSc (Hons)
  49. Mathematics with a Professional Placement Year BSc (Hons)
  50. Mathematics with a Professional Placement Year MMath
  51. Mathematics with a Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
  52. Mathematics with a Year Abroad MMath
  53. Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics MMORS
  54. Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics with a Professional Placement Year MMORS
  55. Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics with a Year Abroad BSc
  56. Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics with a Year of Study Abroad MMORS
  57. Mechanical Engineering BEng Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng
  58. Medical Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng
  59. Medicinal Chemistry BSc (Hons)
  60. Physical Geography BSc (Hons)
  61. Physical Geography MSci
  62. Physical Geography with a Year of Study Abroad BSc (Hons)
  63. Physics BSc (Hons)
  64. Physics MPhys
  65. Physics with Astronomy MPhys
  66. Physics with Astronomy MPhys BSc (Hons)
  67. Physics with Astronomy with Professional Placement BSc (Hons)
  68. Physics with Astronomy with Professional Placement MPhys
  69. Physics with Medical Physics BSc (Hons)
  70. Physics with Professional Placement BSc (Hons)
  71. Physics with Professional Placement MPhys
  72. Urban Planning and Development (Sandwich) BSc (Hons)
  73. Urban Planning and Development BSc (Hons)

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$21,193 $24,356


Jan, Sep, Nov
Save up to $10.00
Drew University logo

Drew University

36 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940, United States

International Year One in the Arts (Undergrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Art History-B.A.
  2. Art-B.A.
  3. Music-B.A.
  4. Theatre Arts-B.A.


4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$34,430 $44,430


Jan, May, Aug
INTO Manchester in partnership with The University of Manchester logo

INTO Manchester in partnership with The University of Manchester

Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom

International Foundation in Humanities and Social Sciences – Online (Undergrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Accounting and Finance-BAEcon (Hons)
  2. Accounting with Industrial/Professional Experience-BSc (Hons)
  3. Accounting-BSc (Hons)
  4. Actuarial Science and Mathematics-BSc (Hons)
  5. American Studies-BA (Hons)
  6. Ancient History and Archaeology-BA (Hons)
  7. Ancient History and History-BA (Hons)
  8. Ancient History-BA (Hons)
  9. Arabic Studies-BA (Hons)
  10. Arabic and Politics-BA (Hons)
  11. Arabic and a Modern European Language-BA (Hons)
  12. Archaeology and Anthropology-BA (Hons)
  13. Archaeology and History-BA (Hons)
  14. Archaeology-BA (Hons)
  15. Architecture-BA (Hons)
  16. Business Accounting with Industrial/Professional Experience-BSc (Hons)
  17. Classical Studies-BA (Hons)
  18. Classics-BA (Hons)
  19. Criminology and Data Analytics-BASS
  20. Criminology with International Study-BA (Hons)
  21. Criminology-BA (Hons)
  22. Development Studies and Data Analytics-BA (Hons)
  23. Development Studies-BAEcon (Hons)
  24. Economics and Data Analytics-BA (Hons)
  25. Economics and Finance-BAEcon (Hons)
  26. Economics and Philosophy-BAEcon (Hons)
  27. Economics and Politics-BAEcon (Hons)
  28. Economics and Sociology-BAEcon (Hons)
  29. Economics-BAEcon (Hons)
  30. Economics-BSc (Hons)
  31. Education-BSc (Hons)
  32. Educational Psychology-BSc (Hons)
  33. English Language and Arabic-BA (Hons)
  34. English Language and Chinese-BA (Hons)
  35. English Language and French-BA (Hons)
  36. English Language-BA (Hons)
  37. Environmental Management with Professional Placement-BSc (Hons)
  38. Environmental Management-BSc (Hons)
  39. Fashion Buying and Merchandising-BSc (Hons)
  40. Fashion Management-BSc (Hons)
  41. Fashion Marketing-BSc (Hons)
  42. Film Studies and English Language-BA
  43. Film Studies and Linguistics-BA
  44. Finance-BAEcon (Hons)
  45. Geography with International Study-BA (Hons)
  46. Geography with International Study-BSc (Hons)
  47. Geography with Professional Placement-BA (Hons)
  48. Geography-BA (Hons)
  49. Geography-BSc (Hons)
  50. History of Art-BA (Hons)
  51. Information Technology Management for Business with Industrial Experience-BSc (Hons)
  52. Information Technology Management for Business-BSc (Hons)
  53. International Business, Finance and Economics with Industrial/Professional Experience-BSc (Hons)
  54. International Business, Finance and Economics-BSc (Hons)
  55. International Disaster Management & Humanitarian Response-BSc
  56. International Management-BSc (Hons)
  57. Law with Criminology-LLB (Hons)
  58. Law with International Study-LLB (Hons)
  59. Law with Politics-LLB (Hons)
  60. Law-LLB (Hons)
  61. Liberal Arts-BA (Hons)
  62. Management (Accounting and Finance) with Industrial/Professional Experience-BSc (Hons)
  63. Management (Accounting and Finance)-BSc (Hons)
  64. Management (Human Resources) with Industrial/Professional Experience-BSc (Hons)
  65. Management (Human Resources)-BSc (Hons)
  66. Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship) with Industrial/Professional Experience-BSc (Hons)
  67. Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship)-BSc (Hons)
  68. Management (International Business Economics) with Industrial/Professional Experience-BSc (Hons)
  69. Management (International Business Economics)-BSc (Hons)
  70. Management (Marketing) with Industrial/Professional Experience-BSc (Hons)
  71. Management (Marketing)-BSc (Hons)
  72. Management with Industrial/Professional Experience-BSc (Hons)
  73. Management-BSc (Hons)
  74. Master of Planning with Real Estate-MPRE
  75. Mathematics and Statistics-BSc (Hons)
  76. Mathematics and Statistics-MMath (Hons)
  77. Mathematics with Finance-BSc (Hons)
  78. Mathematics with Financial Mathematics-BSc (Hons)
  79. Mathematics with Financial Mathematics-MMath (Hons)
  80. Mathematics-BSc (Hons)
  81. Mathematics-MMath (Hons)
  82. Middle Eastern Studies-BA (Hons)
  83. Modern Language and Business & Management (Chinese)-BA (Hons)
  84. Modern Language and Business & Management (Italian)-BA (Hons)
  85. Modern Language and Business & Management (Japanese)-BA (Hons)
  86. Philosophy and Criminology-BASS
  87. Philosophy-BA (Hons)
  88. Planning and Real Estate with Professional Placement-BSc (Hons)
  89. Planning and Real Estate-BSc (Hons)
  90. Planning with Professional Placement-MPlan
  91. Planning-MPlan
  92. Politics and Criminology-BASS
  93. Politics and International Relations-BSocSc (Hons)
  94. Politics and Social Anthropology-BASS
  95. Politics and Sociology-BASS
  96. Politics, Philosophy and Economics-BA (Hons)
  97. Social Anthropology and Criminology-BASS
  98. Social Anthropology and Sociology-BASS
  99. Social Anthropology-BSocSc (Hons)
  100. Sociology and Criminology-BASS
  101. Sociology and Data Analytics-BASS
  102. Sociology and Philosophy-BASS
  103. Sociology-BSocSc (Hons)

Degree type

Bachelor, Foundation year

Pathway duration

3 Terms

Annual tuition fees



Sep, Jan
Ravensbourne University London logo

Ravensbourne University London

6 Penrose Way, London SE10 0EW, United Kingdom

School of Architecture and Interiors (Undergrad)

  1. BA (Hons) Architecture
  2. BA (Hons) Interior Design Environment Architectures
  3. BA (Hons) Urban Landscape Architecture

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees



Jan, Sep
Save up to £3,000
Cardiff University logo

Cardiff University

Cardiff CF10 3AT, United Kingdom

Business, Social Sciences and Humanities (Postgrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Applied Linguistics MA
  2. Business Management MSc
  3. Business Management with a Professional Placement Year MSc
  4. Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship MSc
  5. Cultural and Creative Industries MA
  6. Digital Documentaries MA
  7. Digital Media and Society MA
  8. Education MSc
  9. Environment and Development MSc
  10. Forensic Linguistics MA
  11. Global Cultures MA
  12. International Journalism MA
  13. International Planning and Development MSc
  14. International Planning and Urban Design MSc
  15. International Public Relations and Global Communications Management MA
  16. Journalism, Media and Communications MA
  17. Marketing MSc
  18. Political Communication MA
  19. Social and Public Policy MSc
  20. Spatial Planning and Development MSc
  21. Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy MSc
  22. Translation Studies MA
  23. Transport and Planning MSc
  24. Urban and Regional Development MSc

Degree type

Master, Pre-Master’s

Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$16,324 $20,121


Jan, Jun, May, Sep, Nov
Save up to up to £4000
Newcastle University logo

Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom

International Graduate Diploma in Architecture and Landscape Architecture (Postgrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Advanced Architectural Design: Architecture and Cities-MSc
  2. Architecture-MArch
  3. Landscape Architecture Studies-MA
  4. Urban Design-MA

Degree type

Master, Pre-Master’s

Pathway duration

Annual tuition fees

$20,209 $24,966


Jan, Sep
Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh logo

Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh

Campus The Avenue, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom

The School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society (Postgrad)

  1. Advanced Structural Engineering, MSc
  2. Civil Engineering and Construction Management, MSc
  3. Civil Engineering with Industry Placement, MSc
  4. Civil Engineering, MSc
  5. Climate Change: Managing the Marine Environment, MSc
  6. Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying with Industry Placement, MSc
  7. Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying, MSc
  8. Construction Project Management with Industry Placement, MSc
  9. Construction Project Management, MSc
  10. Global Environmental Change and Policy, MSc
  11. International Marine Science, MSc
  12. International Marine Science, MSc*
  13. Marine Renewable Energy, MSc*
  14. Mature Field Management, MSc
  15. Petroleum Engineering, MSc
  16. Real Estate, MSc
  17. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition, MSc *
  18. Reservoir Evaluation and Management, MSc
  19. Spatial Planning and Real Estate Development, MSc
  20. Subsurface Energy Systems, MSc

Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees



Sep, Jan
Woodbury University logo

Woodbury University

7500 N Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504, United States

School of Architecture (Undergrad)

  1. Applied Computer Science – Media Arts| BS
  2. Architecture | BArch*
  3. Construction Management |BA
  4. Design Computation |BS
  5. Interior Design |BFA
  6. Sustainable Practices | BA

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Jan, Aug
Save up to £2,000
Queen’s University Belfast logo

Queen’s University Belfast

University Rd, Belfast BT7 1NN, United Kingdom

Faculty of Engineering and physical sciences (Postgrad)

  1. Advanced Architectural Design MSc
  2. Applied Cyber Security MSc
  3. Applied Cyber Security with Professional Internship MSc
  4. Applied Developmental Psychology MSc
  5. Architecture MArch ( 2 years )
  6. Building Information Modelling Project Management MSc
  7. Building Information Modelling Project Management Higher Level Apprenticeship MSc
  8. City Planning and Design MSc
  9. City Planning and Design Higher Level Apprenticeship MSc
  10. Clinical Health Psychology MSc
  11. Construction and Project Management MSc
  12. Construction and Project Management Higher Level Apprenticeship MSc
  13. Construction and Project Management with Industrial Internship MSc
  14. Data Analytics MSc
  15. Electronics MSc
  16. Electronics with Professional Internship MSc
  17. Environmental Engineering MSc
  18. Materials Science and Engineering MSc
  19. Materials Science and Engineering with Professional Internship MSc
  20. Mechanical Engineering with Management MSc
  21. Mechanical Engineering with Management and Industrial Internship MSc
  22. Net Zero Engineering MSc
  23. Net Zero Engineering with Year in Industry MSc
  24. Pharmaceutical Analysis MSc
  25. Pharmaceutical Analysis Higher Level Apprenticeship MSc
  26. Pharmaceutical Analysis with Industrial Placement MSc
  27. Pharmaceutical Analysis with International Industrial Placement MSc
  28. Planning and Development MSc
  29. Planning and Development Higher Level Apprenticeship MSc
  30. Psychological Science MSc
  31. Software Development MSc
  32. Software Development (Part Time) MSc

Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees

$26,135 $28,613


University at Buffalo logo

University at Buffalo

Buffalo, NY 14260, United States

School of Architecture and Planning (Undergrad)

  1. Architecture
  2. Environmental Design

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Aug, Jan

Related Majors