Study Law Sciences Abroad with Emonovo

Law Sciences is a fundamental field that studies the system of rules established by a society to govern behavior and ensure justice. This field includes specializations such as criminal law, international law, corporate law, and human rights law. Students in law programs learn to analyze legal principles, develop critical thinking skills, and understand the complexities of legal systems. Emonovo can help you explore how to study abroad in this field, providing opportunities to learn from distinguished legal scholars and experience diverse legal systems worldwide.

Save up to £1,500
Liverpool John Moores University logo

Liverpool John Moores University

exchange station, Liverpool L2 2QP, United Kingdom

Engineering, Computing and Life Sciences (Undergrad)

Progression programs :

  1. Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
  2. Animal Behaviour BSc (Hons)
  3. Architectural Engineering BEng (Hons)
  4. Architectural Technology BSc (Hons)
  5. Architecture BA (Hons)
  6. Audio and Music Production BSc (Hons)
  7. Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
  8. Biology BSc (Hons)
  9. Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
  10. Biotechnology BSc (Hons)
  11. Building Services Engineering (Project Management) BSc (Hons)
  12. Building Surveying BSc (Hons)
  13. Business Management BSc (Hons)
  14. Business with Digital Marketing BSc (Hons)
  15. Business with Finance BSc (Hons)
  16. Business with International Business Management BSc (Hons)
  17. Business with Media Communications BSc (Hons)
  18. Civil Engineering BEng (Hons)
  19. Climate Change BSc (Hons)
  20. Computer Forensics BSc (Hons)
  21. Computer Games Development BSc (Hons)
  22. Computer Science BSc (Hons)
  23. Computing BSc (Hons)
  24. Construction Engineering BEng (Hons)
  25. Construction Management BSc (Hons)
  26. Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)
  27. Education Studies and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons)
  28. Education Studies BA (Hons)
  29. Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
  30. Environmental Health BSc (Hons)
  31. Events Management BA (Hons)
  32. Forensic Anthropology BSc (Hons)
  33. Forensic Science BSc (Hons)
  34. Geography BSc (Hons)
  35. Human Resource Management BA (Hons)
  36. Interior Architecture BA (Hons)
  37. International Tourism Management BA (Hons)
  38. Law and Business LLB (Hons)
  39. Law and Criminal Justice LLB (Hons)
  40. Law LLB (Hons)
  41. Marine and Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
  42. Marketing BA (Hons)
  43. Mathematics BSc (Hons)
  44. Mathematics with Finance BSc (Hons)
  45. Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
  46. Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems BEng (Hons)
  47. Nutrition BSc (Hons)
  48. Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science BSc (Hons)
  49. Pharmacy MPharm (Hons)
  50. Physical Education BSc (Hons)
  51. Policing Studies and Forensic Psychology BA (Hons)
  52. Policing Studies and Forensics BA (Hons)
  53. Policing Studies BA (Hons)
  54. Product Design Engineering BSc (Hons)
  55. Psychology BSc
  56. Public Health BSc (Hons)
  57. Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons)
  58. Real Estate BSc (Hons)
  59. Science and Football BSc (Hons)
  60. Software Engineering BSc (Hons)
  61. Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)
  62. Sport and Nutrition for Health BSc (Hons)
  63. Sport Coaching BSc (Hons)
  64. Sports Business BA (Hons)
  65. Sports Psychology (Applied) BSc (Hons)
  66. Wildlife Conservation BSc (Hons)
  67. Zoology BSc (Hons)

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$16,047 $17,951


Jan, Oct, Nov
Bellarmine University logo

Bellarmine University

2001 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY 40205, United States

College of Arts and Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Actuarial Science
  2. Art
  3. Digital Art
  4. Painting
  5. Photography
  6. Sculpture and Extended Media
  7. Arts Administration
  8. Art
  9. Music
  10. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Bachelor of Arts)
  11. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Bachelor of Science)
  12. Biology
  13. Biology, Bachelor of Science Organismal Track
  14. Biology, Bachelor of Science Pre-Professional Track
  15. Chemistry (Bachelor of Arts)
  16. Chemistry (Bachelor of Science)
  17. Communication
  18. Computer Science
  19. Criminal Justice Studies
  20. Data Science
  21. Design, Arts, and Technology : Business Administration
  22. Design, Arts, and Technology : Communication
  23. Design, Arts, and Technology : Computer Science
  24. Design, Arts, and Technology : Digital Art
  25. Design, Arts, and Technology : English
  26. Design, Arts, and Technology : Painting
  27. Design, Arts, and Technology : Photography
  28. Design, Arts, and Technology : Psychology
  29. Design, Arts, and Technology : Sculpture/Ext Media
  30. Design, Arts, and Technology : English
  31. Environmental Justice and Sustainability
  32. Environmental Science
  33. History
  34. Integrated Studies
  35. Liberal Arts
  36. Mathematics (Bachelor of Arts)
  37. Mathematics (Bachelor of Science)
  38. Music
  39. Instrumental (Bachelor of Arts)
  40. Instrumental (Bachelor of Music)
  41. Jazz Studies (Bachelor of Arts)
  42. Jazz Studies (Bachelor of Music)
  43. Music Technology (Bachelor of Music)
  44. Piano Pedagogy and Accompanying (Bachelor of Music)
  45. Theory and Composition (Bachelor of Music)
  46. Vocal Performance (Bachelor of Arts)
  47. Vocal Performance (Bachelor of Music)
  48. Neuroscience
  49. Political Science
  50. Psychology
  51. Clinical and Counseling
  52. Human Resources
  53. Sociology and Anthropology
  54. Anthropology Emphasis
  55. Sociology Emphasis
  56. Theology and Religious Studies

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Aug, Jan
Save up to £2000
University of Lincoln logo

University of Lincoln

Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS, United Kingdom

School of Social and Political Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Criminology – BA (Hons)
  2. Criminology and Social Policy – BA (Hons)
  3. Criminology and Sociology – BA (Hons)
  4. International Relations – BA (Hons)
  5. International Relations and Politics – BA (Hons)
  6. International Relations and Social Policy – BA (Hons)
  7. Politics – BA (Hons)
  8. Politics and Social Policy – BA (Hons)
  9. Politics and Sociology – BA (Hons)
  10. Social Policy – BA (Hons)
  11. Social Policy and Sociology – BA (Hons)
  12. Sociology – BA (Hons)


Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$19,387 $21,936


Rutgers University–Camden logo

Rutgers University–Camden

303 Cooper St, Camden, NJ 08102, United States

The Graduate School (Postgrad)

  1. Master of Arts in Childhood Studies
  2. Master of Arts in Criminal Justice
  3. Master of Arts in English & Media Studies
  4. Master of Arts in History – American, Global, Public
  5. Master of Arts in Liberal Studies
  6. Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (Online)
  7. Master of Arts in Psychological Sciences
  8. Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
  9. Master of Science in Biology
  10. Master of Science in Biology – Computational and Integrative (Applied Computing, Actuarial Sciences, Industrial/Applied Mathematics)
  11. Master of Science in Chemistry
  12. Master of Science in Computer Science – Scientific Computing
  13. Master of Science in Data Science
  14. Master of Science in Forensic Science
  15. Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences (Applied & Computational Mathematics)
  16. Master of Science in Prevention Science
  17. Masters of Business and Science – Computer and Information Sciences
  18. Masters of Public Administration
  19. Masters of Science in Public Affairs/Community Development
  20. Masters of Teaching in Teacher Education – Spanish

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees



Sep, Jan
University of Wyoming logo

University of Wyoming

1000 E University Ave, Laramie, WY 82071, United States

Undergraduate degrees (Undergrad)

  1. Accounting
  2. African American and Diaspora Studies
  3. Agricultural Business: Ag Business
  4. Agricultural Business: Farm & Ranch Management
  5. Agricultural Business: International Agriculture
  6. Agricultural Business: Livestock Business Management
  7. Agricultural Business
  8. Agricultural Comm/Leadership
  9. Animal & Vet Science
  10. American Studies
  11. Animal and Veterinary Science: Animal Biology
  12. Animal and Veterinary Science: Business
  13. Animal and Veterinary Science: Communication
  14. Animal and Veterinary Science: Equine Option
  15. Animal and Veterinary Science: Meat Science & Food Technology
  16. Animal and Veterinary Science: Preveterinary Medicine
  17. Animal and Veterinary Science: Production
  18. Animal and Veterinary Science: Range Livestock
  19. Anthropology
  20. Architectural Engineering – STEM designated
  21. Art Education
  22. Art History
  23. Astronomy/Astrophysics – STEM designated
  24. Biology – STEM designated
  25. Botany – STEM designated
  26. Business Economics
  27. Career and Technical Education
  28. Chemical Engineering – STEM designated
  29. Chemistry – STEM designated
  30. Civil Engineering – STEM designated
  31. Communication
  32. Computer Engineering – STEM designated
  33. Computer Science – STEM designated
  34. Construction Management
  35. Criminal Justice
  36. Dental Hygiene
  37. Economics
  38. Biological Science
  39. Chemistry
  40. Earth Science Education
  41. English
  42. French
  43. German
  44. Math
  45. Physics
  46. Social Science
  47. Spanish
  48. Undeclared
  49. Education Undeclared
  50. Electrical Engineering – STEM designated
  51. Creative Arts
  52. Environmental Studies
  53. International/American Cultural Diversity
  54. Special Education
  55. Energy Resource Management and Development – STEM designated: Energy & Environmental Systems
  56. Energy Resource Management and Development – STEM designated: Professional Land Management
  57. Energy Systems Engineering
  58. English
  59. Entrepreneurship
  60. Environment and Natural Resources
  61. Environmental Geology/Geohydrology – STEM designated
  62. Environmental Systems Science – STEM designated
  63. Apparel Design and Product Development
  64. Dietetics
  65. Human Development & Family Sciences
  66. Human Nutrition and Food
  67. Interior Design
  68. Merchandising
  69. Finance
  70. French
  71. Gender and Women’s Studies
  72. Geography
  73. Geology – STEM designated
  74. Geology and Earth Sciences – STEM designated
  75. German
  76. History
  77. Cultural & Social Issues
  78. Development & Global Environment
  79. Global Economic Systems
  80. Governance/Conflict Resolution
  81. Journalism
  82. Kinesiology and Health Promotion
  83. Management
  84. Marketing
  85. Mathematics – STEM designated
  86. Mechanical Engineering – STEM designated
  87. Medical Laboratory Science
  88. Microbiology – STEM designated
  89. Molecular Biology – STEM designated
  90. Music
  91. Music Education
  92. Music Performance: Jazz
  93. Native American and Indigenous Studies
  94. Nursing
  95. Business & Hospitality Management
  96. Creative Studies in Recreation & Tourism
  97. Cultural/International Tourism
  98. Management of Recreation Resources
  99. Outdoor Recreation Leadership
  100. Petroleum Engineering – STEM designated
  101. Philosophy
  102. Physical Education Teaching
  103. Physics – STEM designated
  104. Physiology – STEM designated
  105. Plant Production and Protection
  106. Political Science
  107. Pre-Pharmacy
  108. Professional Selling
  109. Psychology
  110. Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management
  111. Religious Studies
  112. Social Work
  113. Sociology
  114. Spanish
  115. Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
  116. Statistics – STEM designated
  117. Studio Art
  118. Theatre and Dance
  119. Wildlife and Fisheries Biology Management – STEM designated
  120. Zoology – STEM designated

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Jan, May, Sep
Save up to $9,000.00
University of Kansas logo

University of Kansas

1450 Jayhawk Blvd, Lawrence, KS 66045, United States

School of Public Affairs & Administration (Undergrad)

  1. Law & Society
  2. Public Administration

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$17,960 $26,960


Save up to $9,160.00
The University of Toledo logo

The University of Toledo

2801 Bancroft St, Toledo, OH 43606, United States

College of Arts and Letters (Undergrad)

  1. Africana Studies
  2. Anthropology
  3. Art
  4. Art Education
  5. Art History
  6. Asian Studies
  7. Communication Studies
  8. Data Analytics
  9. Economics
  10. English
  11. Film and Video
  12. Foreign Language Education
  13. French
  14. General Studies
  15. Geography and Planning
  16. History
  17. Law and Social Thought
  18. Media Communication
  19. Middle East Studies
  20. Music
  21. Music Education
  22. Philosophy
  23. Political Science
  24. Pre-Law
  25. Psychology
  26. Religious Studies
  27. Sociology
  28. Spanish
  29. Studio Art
  30. Theatre
  31. Urban Studies
  32. Visual Arts
  33. Women’s and Gender Studies

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$11,662 $20,822


Aug, Jan
Save up to £6000
University of Kent logo

University of Kent

Giles Ln, Canterbury CT2 7NZ, United Kingdom

International Foundation Year – Law, Society and Social Justice (Undergrad)

  1. Social Work
  2. Sociology
  3. Law
  4. Journalism

Degree type

Bachelor, Foundation year

Pathway duration

3 Terms

Annual tuition fees

USD 15,216 USD22,828


Not Defined Intakes
Save up to $3,000.00
University of South Carolina logo

University of South Carolina

Columbia, SC 29208, USA

College of Arts and Sciences (Postgrad)

  1. Criminology and Criminal Justice, M.A.

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees

$28,828 $31,828


May, Aug
Save up to $19,000.00
St. Bonaventure University logo

St. Bonaventure University

3261 W State St, St Bonaventure, NY 14778, United States

School of Arts & Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Biochemistry, BS
  2. Bioinformatics, BS
  3. Biology, BS
  4. Biology-Adolescence Education, BS
  5. Chemistry, BS
  6. Chemistry-Adolescence Education, BS
  7. Computer Science, BS
  8. Criminology, BA
  9. Cybersecurity, BS
  10. Engineering Physics, BS
  11. English, BA
  12. Environmental Studies, BA
  13. Health and Society, BA
  14. Health and Society, BS
  15. History, BA
  16. International Studies, BA
  17. Literary Publishing & Editing, BA
  18. Math-Adolescence Education, BS
  19. Mathematics, BS
  20. Music, BA
  21. Philosophy, BA
  22. Physics, BS
  23. Physics-Adolescence Education, BS
  24. Political Science, BA
  25. Psychology, BA
  26. Psychology, BS
  27. Sociology, BA
  28. Spanish, BA
  29. Theater, BA
  30. Theology and Franciscan Studies, BA
  31. Undeclared Arts and Sciences
  32. Visual Arts, BA
  33. Women’s Studies, BA

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$19,950 $38,950


Aug, Jan
Durham University logo

Durham University

Durham, United Kingdom

Law and Social Science (Postgrad)

Progression routes:

  1. Climate, Risk & Society MA
  2. Climate, Risk & Society MSc
  3. Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding MSc
  4. Corporate Law LLM
  5. Criminology and Criminal Justice MSc
  6. Defence, Development and Diplomacy MSc
  7. Environmental Hazards & Risk MA
  8. Environmental Hazards & Risk MSc
  9. European Trade and Commercial Law LLM
  10. Geography (Research Methods) MA
  11. Global and Planetary Health MSc
  12. Intellectual Property Law LLM
  13. International Environmental Law LLM
  14. International Law and Governance LLM
  15. International Relations (East Asia) MA
  16. International Relations (European) MA
  17. International Relations (Middle East) MA
  18. International Relations MA
  19. International Trade and Commercial Law LLM
  20. Master of Data Science (Digital Humanities)
  21. Master of Data Science (Health)
  22. Master of Data Science (Social Analytics)
  23. Master of Laws LLM
  24. Medical Anthropology MSc
  25. Medical Humanities MA
  26. Medical Law and Ethics LLM
  27. Museum and Artefact Studies MA
  28. Politics and International Relations (Political Theory) MA
  29. Research Methods (Politics, International Relations, Security) MA
  30. Risk, Security & Politics MA
  31. Social Research Methods MA
  32. Socio-Cultural Anthropology MA
  33. Sociology MSc
  34. Sustainability, Energy and Development MSc
  35. TESOL with Applied Linguistics

Degree type

Master, Pre-Master’s

Pathway duration

3 Terms

Annual tuition fees



Jun, Sep, Jan
Eastern Michigan University logo

Eastern Michigan University

900 Oakwood St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, United States

College of Arts & Sciences (Postgrad)

  1. Africology & African American Studies [M.A.]
  2. Applied Drama & Theatre for the Young [MFA]
  3. Applied Econometrics [M.S.]
  4. Applied Statistics [M.S.]
  5. Arts Administration [M.A.]
  6. Biology – General [M.S.]
  7. Chemistry [M.S.]
  8. Children’s Literature [M.A.]
  9. Clinical Psychology [Ph.D.]
  10. Communication – Interpretation & Performance Studies [M.A.]
  11. Communication [BA+MA]
  12. Communication [M.A.]
  13. Computer Science [M.S.]
  14. Creative Writing [M.A.]
  15. Criminology and Criminal Justice [M.A.]
  16. Earth Science Education [M.S.]
  17. Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology [M.S.]
  18. Economics [M.A.]
  19. English Linguistics [M.A.]
  20. Geographic Information Systems [M.S.]
  21. History [M.A.]
  22. Interdisciplinary Studies [MS or MA]
  23. Language and International Trade [M.A.]
  24. Literature [M.A.]
  25. Mathematics [M.S.]
  26. Molecular/Cellular Biology [M.S.]
  27. Music [M.M.]
  28. Philosophy [M.A.]
  29. Physical Science [M.S.]
  30. Physics Education [M.S.]
  31. Physics [M.S.]
  32. Political Science Combined [BA + MPA]
  33. Preservation Studies [M.S.]
  34. Psychology – Clinical Behavioral [M.S.]
  35. Psychology – General Clinical [M.S.]
  36. Psychology – General Experimental [M.S.]
  37. Public Administration [MPA]
  38. Public and Nonprofit Administration Combined [BA + MPA]
  39. Quantitative Economics [BS + MS]
  40. Schools, Society and Violence [M.A.]
  41. Social Science [M.A.]
  42. Sociology [M.A.]
  43. Studio Art [M.A.]
  44. Studio Art [MFA]
  45. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages / TESOL [M.A.]
  46. Theatre Arts – Applied Drama & Theatre for the Young [M.A.]
  47. Theatre Arts – Interpretation and Performance Studies [M.A.]
  48. Theatre Arts [M.A.]
  49. Urban and Regional Planning [M.S.]
  50. Women’s and Gender Studies [M.A.]
  51. World Languages (French) [M.A.]
  52. World Languages (German) [M.A.]
  53. World Languages (Spanish) [M.A.]
  54. Writing Studies [M.A.]

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees



Sep, Jan, May

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