Study Learning Languages Abroad with Emonovo
Learning Languages is a dynamic field focused on acquiring and teaching new languages. This area includes specializations such as language education, linguistics, and translation studies. Students learn to understand language structures, cultural contexts, and effective teaching methods. Emonovo can help you explore how to study abroad in this field, providing opportunities to learn from language experts and immerse yourself in different linguistic environments.

University of Essex
School of European studies (Undergrad)
- BA European Studies (Including Year Abroad)
- BA European Studies and Language Studies
- BA European Studies and Modern Languages
- BA European Studies with French
- BA European Studies with German
- BA European Studies with Italian
- BA European Studies with Politics
- BA Italian Studies and Modern Languages
- BA European Studies with Spanish

University of Alabama at Birmingham
School of Education (Undergrad)

Western Washington University
International Year (Undergrad)
Progression programs:
- Accounting
- American Cultural Studies
- Anthropology
- Anthropology – Archaeology Concentration
- Anthropology – Biocultural Concentration
- Anthropology – Elementary
- Anthropology/Biology
- Anthropology/Social Studies
- Applied Mathematics
- Art – Elementary
- Art – P-12
- Art History
- Art Studio
- Behavioral Neuroscience
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biology – Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology (EEO) Emphasis
- Biology – General Emphasis
- Biology – Marine Emphasis
- Biology – Molecular and Cell Emphasis
- Biology – Secondary Teaching Emphasis
- Biology/Anthropology
- Biology/Mathematics
- Business Administration – Finance
- Business Administration – General Business
- Business Administration – International Busines
- Business Administration – Management
- Business Administration – Management Information Systems
- Business Administration – Marketing
- Business and Sustainability
- Canadian-American Studies
- Chemistry
- Chemistry/Biology – Secondary
- Chemistry/Mathematics – Secondary
- Chemistry/Physics – Secondary
- Chinese Language and Culture
- Chinese Language and Culture with a Teaching Endorsement
- Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Communication Studies
- Computer Science
- Dance
- Design
- Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood Special Education P-3
- Early Childhood Special Education P-3 and Early Childhood Education P-3 (Dual Endorsement)
- Earth Science – Elementary
- Earth Science – Secondary
- Earth Science/General Science – Secondary
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- Economics/Accounting
- Economics/Environmental Studies
- Economics/Mathematics
- Economics/Political Science
- Economics/Social Studies
- Electrical Engineering
- Elementary Education Professional Program
- Energy Policy and Management
- Energy Science and Technology BS
- English – Creative Writing Emphasis
- English – Literature
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Policy
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Science – Freshwater & Terrestrial Ecology BS
- Environmental Science – Marine Science
- Environmental Science – Toxicology
- Environmental Studies
- Environmental Studies – Elementary
- Exceptionality & Disability
- Financial Economics
- French
- French – Elementary
- French with a Teaching Endorsement
- French/German
- French/Spanish
- General Science – Elementary
- General Science – Middle Level
- General Science – Secondary
- Geography
- Geography – Elementary
- Geography/Social Studies BA
- Geology
- Geophysics
- German
- German – Elementary
- German with a Teaching Endorsement
- German/Spanish
- History
- History – Elementary
- History/Social Studies
- Human Services
- Humanities – History of Culture
- Humanities – Religion and Culture
- Industrial Design
- Interdisciplinary Concentration
- Interdisciplinary Concentration: Law, Diversity & Justice Emphasis
- Japanese
- Japanese with a Teaching Endorsement
- Journalism – News/Editorial
- Journalism – Public Relations
- Journalism – Visual Journalism
- Kinesiology – Exercise Science
- Kinesiology – Pre-Healthcare Professions
- Kinesiology – Sport Psychology
- Language, Literacy, and Cultural Studies
- Latin American Studies, BA
- Linguistics
- Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mathematics – Elementary Education
- Mathematics – Secondary Education
- Mathematics/Computer Science
- Multidisciplinary Studies
- Music
- Music – Composition
- Music – History and Literature
- Music – Performance
- Music Education P-12
- Philosophy
- Physical Education and Health P-12
- Physics
- Physics/Mathematics – Secondary Education
- Plastics and Composites Engineering
- Political Science
- Political Science/Social Studies
- Politics/ Philosophy/ Economics
- Pre-Chiropractic
- Pre-Dentistry
- Pre-Law
- Pre-Medicine
- Pre-Nursing
- Pre-Nutrition
- Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Pre-Optometry
- Pre-Pharmacy
- Pre-Physical Therapy
- Pre-Physician Assistant
- Pre-Veterinary
- Psychology
- Psychology: Human Development – Elementary
- Public Health
- Recreation
- Secondary Education
- Sociology
- Sociology – Elementary
- Sociology/Social Studies BA
- Spanish
- Spanish – Elementary
- Spanish with a Teaching Endorsement
- Special Education – P-12 Plus Content Endorsement
- Special Education P-12 and Elementary Education (Dual Endorsement)
- Statistics
- Theatre Arts
- Urban Planning and Sustainable Development

University of Central Arkansas
Department of Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology (Undergrad)
- Sociology
- Criminology
- Anthropology

University of Exeter
Exeter International Foundation (Undergrad)
Progression programs:
- Accounting and Business-BSc (Hons)
- Accounting and Finance-BSc (Hons)
- Business Economics-BSc (Hons)
- Economics and Finance-BSc (Hons)
- Economics and Politics-BSc (Hons)
- Economics with Econometrics-BSc (Hons)
- Economics-BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Accounting-BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Accounting-MSci
- Mathematics with Economics-BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Economics-MSci (Hons)
- Mathematics with Finance-BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Finance-MSci (Hons)
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics-BA (Hons)
- Art History & Visual Culture and Classical Studies-BA (Hons)
- Art History & Visual Culture and Drama-BA (Hons)
- Art History & Visual Culture and English-BA (Hons)
- Art History & Visual Culture and Film & Television Studies-BA (Hons)
- Art History & Visual Culture and History-BA (Hons)
- Art History & Visual Culture-BA (Hons)
- Drama and Film & Televison Studies-BA (Hons)
- Drama-BA (Hons)
- English and Drama-BA (Hons)
- English and Film & Television Studies-BA (Hons)
- Film & Television Studies and Communications-BA (Hons)
- Film & Television Studies-BA (Hons)
- Liberal Arts-BA (Hons)
- Business Analytics-BSc (Hons)
- Business and Environment-BSc (Hons)
- Business and Laws-BBL (Hons)
- Business and Management-BSc (Hons)
- Business-BSc (Hons)
- Engineering and Management-BEng (Hons)
- Engineering and Management-MEng (Hons)
- History and Business-BA (Hons)
- Law With Business-LLB (Hons)
- Marketing and Management-BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Economics-BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Economics-MSci (Hons)
- Computer Science and Mathematics-BSc (Hons)
- Computer Science and Mathematics-MSci (Hons)
- Computer Science-BSc (Hons)
- Computer Science-MSci (Hons)
- Geography with Applied Geographical Information Systems (GIS)-BSc (Hons)
- Civil Engineering-BEng (Hons)
- Civil Engineering-MEng (Hons)
- Electronic Engineering-BEng (Hons)
- Electronic Engineering-MEng (Hons)
- Engineering and Entrepreneurship-BEng (Hons)
- Engineering and Management-BEng (Hons)
- Engineering and Management-MEng (Hons)
- Engineering-BEng (Hons)
- Engineering-MEng (Hons)
- Mechanical Engineering-BEng (Hons)
- Mechanical Engineering-MEng (Hons)
- Renewable Energy Engineering-BEng (Hons)
- Renewable Energy Engineering-MEng (Hons)
- Archaeological Science-BSc (Hons)
- Archaeology with Forensic Science-BSc (Hons)
- Biochemistry-BSc (Hons)
- Biological and Medicinal Chemistry-BSc (Hons)
- Biological Sciences-BSc (Hons)
- Business and Environment-BSc (Hons)
- Conservation Biology and Ecology-BSc (Hons)
- Conservation Biology and Ecology-MSci (Hons)
- Crime and Data Science-BSc (Hons)
- Data Science-BSc (Hons)
- Data Science-MSci (Hons)
- Engineering Geology and Geotechnics-BSc (Hons)
- Engineering Geology and Geotechnics-MSci (Hons)
- Environmental Geoscience-BSc (Hons)
- Environmental Humanities-BA (Hons)
- Environmental Science with Professional Placement-BSc (Hons)
- Ancient History and Archaeology-BA (Hons)
- Ancient History-BA (Hons)
- Anthropology-BA (Hons)
- Applied Psychology (Clinical)-MSci (Hons)
- Arabic and Islamic Studies-MArabic (Hons)
- Arabic and Politics-BA (Hons)
- Archaeology and Anthropology-BA (Hons)
- Archaeology with Forensic Science-BSc (Hons)
- Archaeology-BA (Hons)
- Business and Laws-BBL (Hons)
- Classical Studies and English-BA (Hons)
- Classical Studies and Philosophy-BA (Hons)
- Communications-BA (Hons)
- Criminology-BSc (Hons)
Pathway duration
3 TermsAnnual tuition fees
$19,608 $23,286Intakes
Sep, Jan
University of Saint Mary
Undergraduate degrees (Undergrad)
- Accounting
- Applied Mathematics
- Art
- Biology
- Business Administration – Management
- Business Administration – Marketing
- Chemistry
- Communications
- Criminology
- Cybersecurity
- English
- Exercise Science
- History
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Liberal Studies
- Mathematics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Sport Management

University of Wisconsin-Platteville
College of Liberal Arts and Education (Undergrad)
- Arts and Science, AAS
- Broad Field Science, BS – STEM designated
- Criminal Justice, BS
- Elementary Education, BS
- English, BS
- Environmental Science and Conservation, BS – STEM designated
- Fine Arts, BFA
- Foreign Language, BS
- Forensic Investigation, BS – STEM designated
- Health and Human Performance, BS
- History, BS
- Interdisciplinary Philosophy, BS
- Music, BFA
- Political Science, BS
- Psychology, BS
- Social Science, BS

International Pre-Master’s Programme (Postgrad)
- Research Project
- Academic English Language Development
- Research and Digital Literacy Skills
- Personal Development for Employability
- Working in Teams
- Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods
- French for Beginners

University of Pécs
University of Pécs Preparatory English Courses (Undergrad)
- Preparatory Courses in English for Architecture and Engineering
- Preparatory Courses in English for Biology
- Preparatory Courses in English for Business Studies
- Preparatory Courses in English for English and American Studies
- Preparatory Courses in English for Health Sciences (Nursing, Physiotherapy, Midwifery, Dietetics)
- Preparatory Courses in English for International Relations
- Preparatory Courses in English for Medical Studies (General Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Medical Biotechnology)
- Preparatory Courses in English for Psychology
- Preparatory Courses in English for Social Work

University of Dundee
International Stage Two – Business and Economics (Undergrad)
Continuation degrees:
- Economics with French
4 YearsAnnual tuition fees
$19,033 $24,669Intakes
Jan, Sep
Moravian University
School of Business & Economics (Undergrad)
- Accounting
- Business Management
- Economics
- Environmental Policy and Economics
- Finance
- International Management With French, German, or Spanish Major
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Management
- Sports Management
- Supply Chain Management

The University of Sheffield
Business, Social Sciences and Humanities (Undergrad)
Progression programs:
- Accounting & Financial Management and Economics BA (Hons)
- Accounting & Financial Management BA (Hons)
- Applied Social Sciences BA (Hons)
- Architecture and Landscape BA (Hons)
- Architecture BA (Hons)
- Business Management and Economics BA (Hons)
- Business Management and Japanese Studies BA (Hons)
- Business Management BA (Hons)
- Chinese Studies and Business Management BA (Hons)
- Chinese Studies and History BA
- Chinese Studies BA (Hons)
- Chinese Studies with Japanese BA (Hons)
- Criminology BA (Hons)
- Digital Media & Society BA (Hons)
- East Asian Studies BA (Hons)
- Economics and Mathematics BSc (Hons)
- Economics and Politics BA (Hons)
- Economics BA
- Economics BSc
- Economics with Finance BSc (Hons)
- Education, Culture and Childhood BA (Hons)
- English Language and Linguistics BA (Hons)
- English Language and Literature BA (Hons)
- English Literature BA (Hons)
- Geography and Planning BA (Hons)
- Geography BA (Hons)
- Global Sustainable Development BA
- History BA (Hons)
- International Business Management with Study Abroad BA (Hons)
- International Relations and Politics BA (Hons)
- Japanese Studies and History BA
- Japanese Studies BA (Hons)
- Journalism Studies BA (Hons)
- Korean Studies BA (Hons)
- Korean Studies with Japanese BA (Hons)
- Landscape Architecture BA (Hons)
- Landscape Architecture BSc (Hons)
- Law (European and International) LLB (Hons)
- Law and Criminology LLB (Hons)
- Law LLB (Hons)
- Law with Chinese Law LLB
- Mathematics & Philosophy BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics and Statistics MMath
- Mathematics BSc
- Mathematics MMath
- Modern Languages and Cultures BA (Hons)
- Music and Korean Studies BA
- Music and Philosophy BA
- Music BMus
- Philosophy and Modern Languages and Cultures BA
- Philosophy BA (Hons)
- Philosophy, Religion and Ethics BA (Hons)
- Politics and Philosophy BA (Hons)
- Politics and Sociology BA (Hons)
- Politics BA (Hons)
- Psychology BSc (Hons)
- Psychology with Placement Year BSc (Hons)
- Sociology BA (Hons)
- Sociology with Social Policy BA (Hons)
- Urban Studies and Planning MPlan (Hons)
- Urban Studies BA (Hons)
Degree type
Foundation yearPathway duration
2 TermsAnnual tuition fees
$15,912 $22,277Intakes
Jan, Mar, Sep, Nov