Study Natural Sciences & Mathematics Abroad with Emonovo

Natural Sciences & Mathematics encompass a broad range of disciplines that study the physical world, from the smallest particles to the largest ecosystems. This field includes specializations such as physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics, each aimed at understanding the fundamental principles that govern natural phenomena. Students gain a strong foundation in scientific theory and methodology, preparing them for careers in research, education, and applied sciences. Emonovo can help you explore how to study abroad in this field, providing opportunities to learn from leading scientists and gain international research experience.

Mount St. Mary’s University logo

Mount St. Mary’s University

16300 Old Emmitsburg Rd, Emmitsburg, MD 21727, United States

School of Natural Science and Mathematics (Undergrad)

  1. Biochemistry
  2. Biology
  3. Chemistry
  4. Computer Science
  5. Cybersecurity
  6. Data Science
  7. Environmental Science
  8. Health Sciences
  9. Mathematics
  10. Neuroscience

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Aug, Jan
Save up to £2000
University of Lincoln logo

University of Lincoln

Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS, United Kingdom

Department of Geography (Postgrad)

Postgraduate Research programs:

  1. Geography – MA by Research
  2. Geography – MSc by Research
  3. Human Geography – MPhil/PhD
  4. Physical Geography – MPhil/PhD

Postgraduate taught programs:

  1. Environment and Planetary Health – MSc



Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees

$20,286 $22,838


James Madison University logo

James Madison University

800 S Main St, Harrisonburg, VA 22807, United States

The College of Science & Mathematics (Undergrad)

  1. Earth Sciences
  2. Life Sciences
  3. Geology
  4. Biology
  5. biotechnology
  6. Mathematics
  7. Statistics
  8. Chemistry
  9. Biophysical Chemistry

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Aug, Jan
Save up to 20%
University of Sussex logo

University of Sussex

Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RH, United Kingdom

International Foundation Year (Undergrad)

Foundation: Business, Media and Social Sciences

  1. Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
  2. Anthropology and History BA (Hons)
  3. Anthropology BA (Hons)
  4. Anthropology with a Language BA (Hons)
  5. Anthropology and International Development BA (Hons)
  6. Business and Management Studies BSc (Hons)
  7. Economics and International Development BA (Hons)
  8. Economics and International Relations BA (Hons)
  9. Economics and Management Studies BSc (Hons)
  10. Economics and Politics BA (Hons)
  11. Economics BA (Hons)
  12. Economics BSc (Hons)
  13. Film Studies BA (Hons)
  14. Finance and Business BSc (Hons)
  15. Geography with a Language BA (Hons)
  16. Geography and Anthropology BA (Hons)
  17. Geography and International Development BA (Hons)
  18. Geography BA (Hons)
  19. Geography BSc (Hons)
  20. History BA (Hons)
  21. History and Sociology BA (Hons)
  22. International Business BSc (Hons)
  23. International Development BA (Hons)
  24. International Development with a Language BA (Hons)
  25. International Relation BA (Hons)
  26. International Relations and Anthropology BA (Hons)
  27. International Relations and Development BA (Hons)
  28. International Relations and Sociology BA (Hons)
  29. Law LLB (Hons)
  30. Law with Business and Management LLB (Hons)
  31. Law with International Relations LLB (Hons)
  32. Law with Politics LLB (Hons)
  33. Marketing and Management BSc (Hons)
  34. Media Production BA (Hons)
  35. Politics BA (Hons)
  36. Politics and International Relations BA (Hons)
  37. Politics and Philosophy BA (Hons)
  38. Politics and Sociology BA (Hons)
  39. Sociology BA (Hons)
  40. Sociology with a Language BA (Hons)
  41. Sociology with Cultural Studies BA (Hons)
  42. Sociology and International Development BA
  43. Accounting and Finance (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
  44. Media and Communications BA (Hons)
  45. Business and Management Studies (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
  46. International Business (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
  47. Marketing and Management (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
  48. Criminology BA (Hons)
  49. Criminology and Sociology BA (Hons)
  50. Economics and Finance BSc (Hons)
  51. Banking and Digital Finance BSc (Hons)
  52. Banking and Digital Finance (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
  53. Economics (with a professional placement year) BA (Hons)
  54. Economics (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
  55. Finance and Business (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
  56. Law with Criminology LLB
  57. Marketing and Management with Psychology BSc (Hons)
  58. Marketing and Management with Psychology (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
  59. Childhood and Youth: Theory and Practice BA (Hons) 5
  60. History and Philosophy BA (Hons)
  61. Art History (with a professional placement year) BA (Hons)
  62. History and Politics BA (Hons)
  63. Art History and Film Studies BA (Hons)
  64. Art History BA (Hons)
  65. Philosophy BA (Hons)
  66. Philosophy and Sociology BA (Hons)Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) BA (Hons) 5
  67. Drama and Film Studies BA (Hons)
  68. International Relations with a Language BA (Hons)
  69. Film making BA (Hons)
  70. Sociology with Media Studies BA (Hons)
  71. Geography and International Relations BA
  72. Finance and Technology (FinTech) BSc (Hons)
  73. Media and Journalism BA (Hons)
  74. Digital Media and Culture BA (Hons)
  75. History and International Relations BA (Hons)
  76. Criminology and Psychology BA (Hons)
  77. Applied Social Science BA (Hons)

Foundation: Science and Engineering

  1. Astrophysics MPhys (Hons)
  2. Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons)Biology BSc (Hons)
  3. Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
  4. Chemistry BSc (Hons)
  5. Computer Science BSc (Hons)
  6. Computing for Business and Management BSc (Hons)
  7. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons)
  8. Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
  9. Computing for Digital Media and Games BSc (Hons)
  10. Mathematics MMath (Hons)
  11. Mathematics BSc (Hons)
  12. Mathematics with Economics MMath (Hons)
  13. Mechanical Engineering MEng
  14. Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
  15. Medical Neuroscience BSc (Hons)
  16. Medical Neuroscience MSci
  17. Physics BSc (Hons)
  18. Physics MPhys (Hons)
  19. Physics with Astrophysics MPhys (Hons)
  20. Psychology BSc (Hons)
  21. Psychology with Neuroscience BSc (Hons)
  22. Theoretical Physics BSc (Hons)
  23. Theoretical Physics MPhys (Hons)
  24. Automotive Engineering MEng
  25. Computer Science (4 year course) MComp
  26. Computer Science (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
  27. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
  28. Computing for Business and Management (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
  29. Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng
  30. Genetics BSc (Hons)
  31. Mathematics with Economics BSc (Hons)
  32. Physics with Astrophysics BSc (Hons)
  33. Zoology BSc (Hons)
  34. Sustainable Automotive Engineering (with an industrial placement year) MEng
  35. Sustainable Automotive Engineering (with an industrial placement year) BEng (Hons)
  36. Computer Science (with an industrial placement) (5 year course) MComp
  37. Electrical and Electronic Engineering with an industrial placement year BEng (Hons)
  38. Electrical and Electronic Engineering with an industrial placement year MEng
  39. Mechanical Engineering with an industrial placement year MEng
  40. Mechanical Engineering with an industrial placement year BEng (Hons)
  41. Computing for Digital Media and Games (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
  42. Psychology with Business and Management BSc (Hons)
  43. Psychology with Clinical Approaches BSc (Hons)
  44. Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons)
  45. Physics (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
  46. Mathematics with Finance Mmath
  47. Mathematics with Finance BSc (Hons)
  48. Physics (with an industrial placement year) MPhys
  49. Biochemistry MSci (Hons)
  50. Biology MSci (Hons)
  51. Chemistry MChem
  52. Genetics MSci (Hons)
  53. Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
  54. Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) BEng (Hons)
  55. Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering MEng (Hons)
  56. Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) MEng (Hons)
  57. Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
  58. Mechanical Engineering with Robotics MEng
  59. Mechanical Engineering with Robotics BEng
  60. Mechanical Engineering with Robotics (with an industrial placement year) BEng
  61. Mechanical Engineering with Robotics (with an industrial placement year) MEng
  62. Biomedical Science MSci
  63. Neuroscience MSci
  64. Neuroscience BSc
  65. Zoology MSci
  66. Psychology (with professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
  67. Biochemistry (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
  68. Chemistry (with an industrial placement year) MChem
  69. Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (BM BS)
  70. Ecology and Conservation BSc (Hons)
  71. Ecology and Conservation MSci (Hons)
  72. Geography BSc (Hons)
  73. Sustainable Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons)
  74. Sustainable Automotive Engineering MEng

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$17,896 $22,215


Jan, Sep
Save up to $4,838.00
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of Computer science (Undergrad)

  1. BSc Computer Science*
  2. BSc Computer Games*
  3. BEng Computer Networks*
  4. BEng Computer Systems Engineering*
  5. BEng Computers with Electronics*
  6. BEng Robotic Engineering*
  7. BSc Data Science and Analytics**
  8. BSc Economics with Data Science**
  9. BSc Mathematics with Computing**
  10. BSc Sociology with Data Science
  11. BA Linguistics with Data Science
  12. BSc Artificial Intelligence*
  13. BSc Politics with Data Science**

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$17,633 $22,471


Oct, Jan
Save up to $20,000.00
University of Dayton logo

University of Dayton

300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469, USA

College of Arts and Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Applied Mathematical Economics – STEM designated
  2. Art Education
  3. Art History
  4. Biochemistry – STEM designated
  5. Biology – STEM designated
  6. Chemistry – STEM designated
  7. Communication
  8. Computer Information Systems – STEM designated
  9. Computer Science – STEM designated
  10. Criminal Justice Studies
  11. Discover Arts
  12. Discover Sciences – STEM designated
  13. Economics
  14. English
  15. Environmental Biology – STEM designated
  16. Environmental Geology
  17. Fine Arts
  18. French
  19. Geology – STEM designated
  20. German
  21. Graphic Design
  22. History
  23. Human Rights Studies
  24. International Studies
  25. Mathematics – STEM designated
  26. Medicinal-Pharmaceutical Chemistry – STEM designated
  27. Music
  28. Music Composition
  29. Music Education
  30. Music Performance
  31. Music Therapy
  32. Philosophy
  33. Photography

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$26,476 $46,476


May, Aug, Jan
Western New England University logo

Western New England University

1215 Wilbraham Rd, Springfield, MA 01119, United States

College of Arts and Sciences (Postgrad)

  1. Master of Science in Computer Science – STEM designated

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees



May, Aug, Jan
Save up to $4,838.00
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of Biological sciences (Postgrad)

  1. MSc Cancer Biology
  2. MSc Molecular Medicine
  3. MA Wild Writing: Literature, Landscape and the Environment
  4. MSc Biotechnology
  5. MSc Tropical Marine Biology

Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees

$20,190 $25,028


Oct, Jan
Save up to $8,000
Trinity Christian College logo

Trinity Christian College

6601 W College Dr, Palos Heights, IL 60463, United States

Undergraduate degrees (Undergrad)

  1. Accounting
  2. Art Education
  3. Art Therapy
  4. Biblical Studies
  5. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  6. Bioinformatics
  7. Biology
  8. Biology Education
  9. Business
  10. Business Communication
  11. Business Education
  12. Chemistry
  13. Chemistry Education
  14. Christian Ministry
  15. Communication Arts
  16. Computer Science
  17. Computing
  18. Criminal Justice
  19. Cross Cultural Ministry
  20. Data Analytics
  21. Digital Design
  22. Elementary Education
  23. English
  24. English Education
  25. Entrepreneurial Management
  26. Environmental Science
  27. Exercise Science
  28. Film Studies
  29. Finance
  30. Graphic Design
  31. Health Communication
  32. Historical and Systematic Theology
  33. History
  34. History Education
  35. Human Resource Management
  36. Marketing
  37. Mathematics
  38. Mathematics Education
  39. Media Studies
  40. Middle Grades Education
  41. Music
  42. Music and Worship
  43. Music Education
  44. Music Production
  45. Nursing
  46. Philosophy
  47. Physical Education
  48. Psychology
  49. Recreation and Sport Management
  50. Social Work
  51. Spanish
  52. Spanish Education
  53. Special Education
  54. Speech Language Pathology
  55. Sport Studies
  56. Studio Art
  57. Theatre
  58. Theology
  59. Writing and Web Design
  60. Youth Ministry

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 11,800 USD19,800


Jan, Aug
Save up to $7,500
University of Wisconsin-Superior logo

University of Wisconsin-Superior

Belknap St. and, Catlin Ave, Superior, WI 54880, United States

Undergraduate degrees (Undergrad)

  1. Accounting, BS
  2. Biology, BS – STEM designated
  3. Biology: Pre-Medicine & Health, BA or BS – STEM designated
  4. Business Administration, BS
  5. Business Analytics, BS – STEM designated
  6. Business: Finance, BS
  7. Business: International, BS
  8. Business: Management, BS
  9. Business: Marketing, BS
  10. Business: Supply Chain Management, BS
  11. Chemistry, BS – STEM designated
  12. Chemistry: Biochemistry, BS – STEM designated
  13. Communicating Arts: Communication, BA or BS
  14. Communicating Arts: Multimedia Journalism, BA or BS – STEM designated
  15. Communicating Arts: Theatre & Digital Filmmaking, BA
  16. Computer Science, BS – STEM designated
  17. Criminal Justice (Legal Studies), BS
  18. Economics, BS
  19. Elementary Education, BS
  20. English, BS
  21. Environmental Science, BS – STEM designated
  22. Exercise Science, BS
  23. History, BA
  24. Individually Designed, BS
  25. Interdisciplinary Studies, BS
  26. Legal Studies, BS
  27. Mathematics, BS
  28. Music, BA
  29. Music: Choral – Bachelor’s of Music Education, BME
  30. Music: Instrumental Performance – Bachelors of Music, BM
  31. Music: Keyboard Performance – Bachelor’s of Music, BM
  32. Music: Vocal Performance – Bachelor’s of Music, BM
  33. Physical Education, BS
  34. Psychology, BS
  35. Public Health, BS
  36. Public Leadership & Changemaking, BS
  37. Social Work, BS
  38. Transportation and Logistics Management, BS
  39. Visual Arts: Art Education, BS
  40. Visual Arts: Art Therapy, BS
  41. Visual Arts: Studio Art, BFA
  42. Writing, BA

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 9,150 USD16,605


Sep, Jan
Save up to £3000
London Metropolitan University logo

London Metropolitan University

166-220 Holloway Rd, London N7 8DB, United Kingdom

Pre-master programs (Postgrad)

January intake:

  1. Extended Masters – MSc International Business Management*
  2. Extended Masters – MSc International Business Management with Project Management*
  3. Extended Masters – Master of Business Administration
  4. Extended Masters – MSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security
  5. Extended Masters – MSc Data Analytics
  6. Extended Masters – Project Management*
  7. Extended Masters – Public Health

may intake:

  1. Extended Masters – MSc International Business Management*
  2. Extended Masters – MSc International Business Management with Project Management*
  3. Extended Masters – Master of Business Administration
  4. Extended Masters – MSc Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability*
  5. Extended Masters – MSc International Banking and Finance
  6. Extended Masters – MSc International Trade and Finance
  7. Extended Masters – MSc Project Management*
  8. Extended Masters – MA Marketing*
  9. Extended Masters – MA Global Human Resource Management*
  10. Extended Masters – MSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security
  11. Extended Masters – MSc Data Analytics
  12. Extended Masters – MA Digital Media
  13. Extended Masters – MSc Public Health
  14. Extended Masters – MSc Biomedical Sciences
  15. Extended Masters – MA Education
  16. Extended Masters – MA International Relations
  17. Extended Masters – MA Interpreting*
  18. Extended Masters – MA Interior Design
  19. Extended Masters – MA Organized Crime and Global Security
  20. Extended Masters – MSc Criminology
  21. Extended Masters – MSc Health and Social Care Management and Policy


Degree type


Pathway duration

1 Terms

Annual tuition fees

GBP 21,150 GBP24,250


Jan, May
1 19 20 21 22 23 51

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