Study Natural Sciences & Mathematics Abroad with Emonovo

Natural Sciences & Mathematics encompass a broad range of disciplines that study the physical world, from the smallest particles to the largest ecosystems. This field includes specializations such as physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics, each aimed at understanding the fundamental principles that govern natural phenomena. Students gain a strong foundation in scientific theory and methodology, preparing them for careers in research, education, and applied sciences. Emonovo can help you explore how to study abroad in this field, providing opportunities to learn from leading scientists and gain international research experience.

Tusculum University logo

Tusculum University

60 Shiloh Rd, Tusculum, TN 37745, United States

College of Science, Technology, and Mathematics (Undergrad)

  1. Biology: Dental
  2. Biology: Pre-Medical
  3. Biology: Veterinary
  4. Chemistry: Pre-Pharmacy
  5. Computer Science
  6. Environmental Science
  7. Mathematics
  8. Psychology: Behavioral Health
  9. Psychology: General-Experimental
  10. Psychology: Industrial Organizational
  11. Psychology: Neuroscience

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Jan, Aug
ONCAMPUS Amsterdam logo

ONCAMPUS Amsterdam

Room JK 1.58 (JK-building), University of Amsterdam, Valckenierstraat 65-67, 1018 XE Amsterdam, Netherlands

Economics (Postgrad)


  1. English
  2. Statistics 2 for Economics
  3. Econometrics
  4. Mathematics 2 for Economics
  5. Statistical Learning
  6. Econometrics 1 and 2
  7. Mathematical Economics 1
  8. Time Series Analysis
  9. Academic Skills Development

Degree type


Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

EUR 25,980


Sep, Jan
Save up to 50%
ITM University Gwalior logo

ITM University Gwalior

Jhansi Rd, Turari, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474001, India

School of Science (Undergrad)

  1. BSc(Forensic Science)
  2. B.Sc. (Honours) Biotechnology
  3. B.Sc. (Honours) Food Technology
  4. B.Sc. (PCM/CS)

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$536 $1,071


Jacksonville University logo

Jacksonville University

2800 University Blvd N, Jacksonville, FL 32211, United States

College of Arts & Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Biology, BS
  2. Chemistry-Biochemistry, BA
  3. Chemistry-Biochemistry, BS
  4. Communications, BA
  5. Data Science, BS
  6. Education for Instruction, BA
  7. Education for Instruction, BS
  8. History, BA
  9. History, BS
  10. Marine Science, BS
  11. Marine Science, BS + MA joint program
  12. Mathematics with Actuarial Track, BA
  13. Mathematics with Actuarial Track, BS
  14. Mathematics, BA
  15. Mathematics, BS
  16. Political Science, BA
  17. Political Science, BS
  18. Psychology, BA
  19. Psychology, BS
  20. Social Science, BS
  21. Sociology, BA
  22. Sociology, BS
  23. Sustainability, Geography, and Environmental Planning -Environmental Planning, BS
  24. Sustainability, Geography, and Environmental Planning -Geography & GIS, BS
  25. Sustainability, Geography, and Environmental Planning -Sustainability & Resiliency, BS

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Jan, Aug
Robert Morris University logo

Robert Morris University

6001 University Blvd, Moon Twp, PA 15108, United States

School of Informatics, Humanities and Social Sciences (Postgrad)

  1. Cyber Investigations & Intelligence, MS
  2. Cybersecurity, MS
  3. Data Analytics, MS
  4. Data Science, MS *
  5. Healthcare Analytics, MS
  6. Information Systems Management, MS
  7. Organizational Leadership, MS -Nonprofit Leadership Track *
  8. Web & Mobile Information Systems, MS

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees



Jan, Aug
Save up to $5,000.00
University of Central Florida logo

University of Central Florida

4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando, FL 32816, United States

Bachelors at the College of Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Actuarial Science (BS)
  2. Advertising / Public Relations (BA)
  3. Anthropology (BA)
  4. Anthropology (BA) – Anthropological Methods and Practice Track
  5. Anthropology (BA) – General Track
  6. Biology (BS)
  7. Biology (BS) – Ecology, Evolutionary and Conservation
  8. Biology (BS) – General Biology
  9. Biology (BS) – Marine and Aquatic
  10. Biology (BS) – Plant Sciences
  11. Biology (BS) – Pre-Health Professional
  12. Biology (BS) – Zoology and Pre-Veterinarian Science
  13. Chemistry (BA)
  14. Chemistry (BA) – Education Track
  15. Chemistry (BA) – Industry Track
  16. Chemistry (BA) – Preprofessional Track
  17. Chemistry (BS)
  18. Chemistry (BS) – Biochemistry
  19. Communication and Conflict (BA)
  20. Data Science (BS)
  21. Digital Media (BA)
  22. Digital Media (BA) – Game Design Track
  23. Digital Media (BA) – Web and Social Platforms Track
  24. Film (BA)
  25. Film (BFA)
  26. Forensic Science (BS)
  27. Forensic Science (BS) – Biochemistry
  28. Forensic Science (BS) – Chemistry
  29. Human Communication (BA)
  30. Human Communication (BA) – Business and Professional Communication Track
  31. Human Communication (BA) – General Human Communication Track
  32. Human Communication (BA) – Health Communication Track
  33. Human Communication (BA) – Interpersonal Communication Track
  34. Human Communication (BA) – Social Innovation and Activism Track
  35. International and Global Studies (BA)
  36. Journalism (BA)
  37. Journalism (BA) – Electronic Journalism
  38. Journalism (BA) – Print/Digital Journalism
  39. Mathematics (BS)
  40. Mathematics (BS) – Computational Track
  41. Mathematics (BS) – Engineering/Physics Track
  42. Mathematics (BS) – General Mathematics Track
  43. Mathematics (BS) – Mathematical Biology Track
  44. Mathematics (BS) – Mathematical Data Analysis Track
  45. Mathematics (BS) – Mathematical Economics Track
  46. Media Production and Management (BA)
  47. Media Production and Management (BA) – Media Management and Operations Track
  48. Media Production and Management (BA) – Production Track
  49. Physics (BA)
  50. Physics (BA) – Biophysics Concentration
  51. Physics (BA) – Education Concentration
  52. Physics (BA) – Information Technology/Data Science Concentration
  53. Physics (BA) – Nanoscale Science & Technology Concentration
  54. Physics (BA) – Technical Writing Concentration
  55. Physics (BS)
  56. Physics (BS) – Astronomy
  57. Physics (BS) – Computational
  58. Physics (BS) – Materials
  59. Physics (BS) – Optics and Lasers
  60. Political Science (BA)
  61. Political Science (BA) – American Politics and Policy
  62. Political Science (BA) – Intelligence and National Security Track
  63. Political Science (BA) – International Relations and Comp. Politics
  64. Political Science (BA) – Prelaw
  65. Psychology (BS)
  66. Psychology (BS) – Clinical Psychology Track
  67. Psychology (BS) – Experimental Psychology Track
  68. Psychology (BS) – General Psychology Track
  69. Psychology (BS) – Human Factors Psychology Track
  70. Psychology (BS) – Industrial / Organizational Psychology Track
  71. Psychology (BS) – Neuroscience Track
  72. Radio / Television (BA)
  73. Radio / Television (BA) – Media Management and Operations
  74. Radio / Television (BA) – Production
  75. Social Sciences (BS)
  76. Sociology (BA)
  77. Sociology (BS)
  78. Statistics (BS)

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$17,466 $22,466


Sep, Jan
Save up to £2500
Liverpool John Moores University logo

Liverpool John Moores University

exchange station, Liverpool L2 2QP, United Kingdom

Engineering, Computing and Life Sciences – Extended (Undergrad)

Progression programs :

  1. Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
  2. Animal Behaviour BSc (Hons)
  3. Architectural Engineering BEng (Hons)
  4. Architectural Technology BSc (Hons)
  5. Architecture BA (Hons)
  6. Audio and Music Production BSc (Hons)
  7. Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
  8. Biology BSc (Hons)
  9. Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
  10. Biotechnology BSc (Hons)
  11. Building Services Engineering (Project Management) BSc (Hons)
  12. Building Surveying BSc (Hons)
  13. Business Management BSc (Hons)
  14. Business with Digital Marketing BSc (Hons)
  15. Business with Finance BSc (Hons)
  16. Business with International Business Management BSc (Hons)
  17. Business with Media Communications BSc (Hons)
  18. Civil Engineering BEng (Hons)
  19. Climate Change BSc (Hons)
  20. Computer Forensics BSc (Hons)
  21. Computer Games Development BSc (Hons)
  22. Computer Science BSc (Hons)
  23. Computing BSc (Hons)
  24. Construction Engineering BEng (Hons)
  25. Construction Management BSc (Hons)
  26. Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)
  27. Education Studies and Special Educational Needs BA (Hons)
  28. Education Studies BA (Hons)
  29. Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
  30. Environmental Health BSc (Hons)
  31. Events Management BA (Hons)
  32. Forensic Anthropology BSc (Hons)
  33. Forensic Science BSc (Hons)
  34. Geography BSc (Hons)
  35. Human Resource Management BA (Hons)
  36. Interior Architecture BA (Hons)
  37. International Tourism Management BA (Hons)
  38. Law and Business LLB (Hons)
  39. Law and Criminal Justice LLB (Hons)
  40. Law LLB (Hons)
  41. Marine and Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
  42. Marketing BA (Hons)
  43. Mathematics BSc (Hons)
  44. Mathematics with Finance BSc (Hons)
  45. Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
  46. Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems BEng (Hons)
  47. Nutrition BSc (Hons)
  48. Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science BSc (Hons)
  49. Pharmacy MPharm (Hons)
  50. Physical Education BSc (Hons)
  51. Policing Studies and Forensic Psychology BA (Hons)
  52. Policing Studies and Forensics BA (Hons)
  53. Policing Studies BA (Hons)
  54. Product Design Engineering BSc (Hons)
  55. Psychology BSc
  56. Public Health BSc (Hons)
  57. Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons)
  58. Real Estate BSc (Hons)
  59. Science and Football BSc (Hons)
  60. Software Engineering BSc (Hons)
  61. Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)
  62. Sport and Nutrition for Health BSc (Hons)
  63. Sport Coaching BSc (Hons)
  64. Sports Business BA (Hons)
  65. Sports Psychology (Applied) BSc (Hons)
  66. Wildlife Conservation BSc (Hons)
  67. Zoology BSc (Hons)

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

3 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$21,014 $24,196


Jan, Oct, Nov
Save up to £1,500
University of Huddersfield London logo

University of Huddersfield London

Bounty House, Stowage, Greenwich, London SE8 3DE.

Engineering, Computing & Science (Undergrad)

Progression programs:

  1. Accountancy and Economics BSc (Hons)
  2. Accountancy and Finance BSc (Hons)
  3. Business and Digital Marketing Management BA (Hons)
  4. Business and Marketing BA (Hons)
  5. Business BSc (Hons) BSc
  6. Business Data Analytics BSc (Hons)
  7. Business Economics BSc (Hons)
  8. Business Management BA (Hons)
  9. Business Management with Finance BA (Hons)
  10. Business with Hospitality Management BA (Hons)
  11. Business with Human Resource Management BA (Hons)
  12. Business with Logistics and Supply Chain Management BSc (Hons)
  13. Business with Project Management BA (Hons)
  14. Business with Sport and Leisure Management BA (Hons)
  15. Business with Sustainable Transport Management BA (Hons)
  16. Business with Travel and Tourism Management BA (Hons)
  17. Digital Marketing BA (Hons)
  18. Economics BSc (Hons)
  19. Economics with Financial Services BSc (Hons)
  20. Education, Human Resource Development and Training BA (Hons)
  21. Events Management BA (Hons)
  22. Fashion Marketing BA (Hons)
  23. International Business BA (Hons)
  24. Law and Practice LLB (Hons)
  25. Law and Practice MLaw
  26. Law LLB (Hons)
  27. Law with Criminology LLB (Hons)
  28. Marketing BA (Hons)
  29. Social Science and Psychology BSc (Hons)
  30. Surveying (Quantity Surveying) BSc (Hons)

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$14,456 $16,358


Jan, Sep, Oct, Nov
University of Alabama at Birmingham logo

University of Alabama at Birmingham

1720 University Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35294, United States

Graduate Pathway in Data Science (Postgrad)

  1. Data Science-M.S.

Degree type

Master, Pre-Master’s

Pathway duration

Annual tuition fees



Jan, May, Aug
Eastern Michigan University logo

Eastern Michigan University

900 Oakwood St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, United States

College of Health & Human Services (Undergrad)

  1. Athletic Training [BS + MATR]
  2. Clinical Laboratory Sciences – Histotechnology [BS]
  3. Clinical Laboratory Sciences – Medical Laboratory Science [BS]
  4. Clinical Sciences [BS]
  5. Cytogenetics [BS]
  6. Dietetics Combined [BS + MS]
  7. Exercise Science + Athletic Training [BS + MATR]
  8. Exercise Science + Exercise Physiology [BS + MS]
  9. Exercise Science + Orthotics and Prosthetics [BS + MS]
  10. Exercise Science [BS]
  11. Exercise Science [BS] – MiTransfer Pathway
  12. Experiences in Aging Studies [Micro-credential]
  13. Health Administration [BS]
  14. Nursing – Completion (RN to BSN) [BSN] (Online)
  15. Nursing [BSN]
  16. Occupational Therapy [BS + MOT]
  17. Public Health [BS]
  18. Social Work [BSW]
  19. Sport Management [BS]
  20. Therapeutic Recreation [BS]

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Sep, Jan, May
University of Central Arkansas logo

University of Central Arkansas

201 Donaghey Ave, Conway, AR 72035, United States

Department of Geography (Postgrad)

  1. Master of Geographic Information Systems (MGIS)

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees



Jan, Jun, Aug
Save up to $4,838.00
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of Genetics (Undergrad)

  1. BSc Genetics

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$20,412 $25,250


Oct, Jan
1 21 22 23 24 25 51

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