Study Natural Sciences & Mathematics Abroad with Emonovo
Natural Sciences & Mathematics encompass a broad range of disciplines that study the physical world, from the smallest particles to the largest ecosystems. This field includes specializations such as physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics, each aimed at understanding the fundamental principles that govern natural phenomena. Students gain a strong foundation in scientific theory and methodology, preparing them for careers in research, education, and applied sciences. Emonovo can help you explore how to study abroad in this field, providing opportunities to learn from leading scientists and gain international research experience.

University of Sussex
International Foundation Year (Undergrad)
Foundation: Business, Media and Social Sciences
- Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
- Anthropology and History BA (Hons)
- Anthropology BA (Hons)
- Anthropology with a Language BA (Hons)
- Anthropology and International Development BA (Hons)
- Business and Management Studies BSc (Hons)
- Economics and International Development BA (Hons)
- Economics and International Relations BA (Hons)
- Economics and Management Studies BSc (Hons)
- Economics and Politics BA (Hons)
- Economics BA (Hons)
- Economics BSc (Hons)
- Film Studies BA (Hons)
- Finance and Business BSc (Hons)
- Geography with a Language BA (Hons)
- Geography and Anthropology BA (Hons)
- Geography and International Development BA (Hons)
- Geography BA (Hons)
- Geography BSc (Hons)
- History BA (Hons)
- History and Sociology BA (Hons)
- International Business BSc (Hons)
- International Development BA (Hons)
- International Development with a Language BA (Hons)
- International Relation BA (Hons)
- International Relations and Anthropology BA (Hons)
- International Relations and Development BA (Hons)
- International Relations and Sociology BA (Hons)
- Law LLB (Hons)
- Law with Business and Management LLB (Hons)
- Law with International Relations LLB (Hons)
- Law with Politics LLB (Hons)
- Marketing and Management BSc (Hons)
- Media Production BA (Hons)
- Politics BA (Hons)
- Politics and International Relations BA (Hons)
- Politics and Philosophy BA (Hons)
- Politics and Sociology BA (Hons)
- Sociology BA (Hons)
- Sociology with a Language BA (Hons)
- Sociology with Cultural Studies BA (Hons)
- Sociology and International Development BA
- Accounting and Finance (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Media and Communications BA (Hons)
- Business and Management Studies (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
- International Business (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Marketing and Management (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Criminology BA (Hons)
- Criminology and Sociology BA (Hons)
- Economics and Finance BSc (Hons)
- Banking and Digital Finance BSc (Hons)
- Banking and Digital Finance (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Economics (with a professional placement year) BA (Hons)
- Economics (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Finance and Business (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Law with Criminology LLB
- Marketing and Management with Psychology BSc (Hons)
- Marketing and Management with Psychology (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Childhood and Youth: Theory and Practice BA (Hons) 5
- History and Philosophy BA (Hons)
- Art History (with a professional placement year) BA (Hons)
- History and Politics BA (Hons)
- Art History and Film Studies BA (Hons)
- Art History BA (Hons)
- Philosophy BA (Hons)
- Philosophy and Sociology BA (Hons)Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) BA (Hons) 5
- Drama and Film Studies BA (Hons)
- International Relations with a Language BA (Hons)
- Film making BA (Hons)
- Sociology with Media Studies BA (Hons)
- Geography and International Relations BA
- Finance and Technology (FinTech) BSc (Hons)
- Media and Journalism BA (Hons)
- Digital Media and Culture BA (Hons)
- History and International Relations BA (Hons)
- Criminology and Psychology BA (Hons)
- Applied Social Science BA (Hons)
Foundation: Science and Engineering
- Astrophysics MPhys (Hons)
- Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons)Biology BSc (Hons)
- Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
- Chemistry BSc (Hons)
- Computer Science BSc (Hons)
- Computing for Business and Management BSc (Hons)
- Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
- Computing for Digital Media and Games BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics MMath (Hons)
- Mathematics BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Economics MMath (Hons)
- Mechanical Engineering MEng
- Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
- Medical Neuroscience BSc (Hons)
- Medical Neuroscience MSci
- Physics BSc (Hons)
- Physics MPhys (Hons)
- Physics with Astrophysics MPhys (Hons)
- Psychology BSc (Hons)
- Psychology with Neuroscience BSc (Hons)
- Theoretical Physics BSc (Hons)
- Theoretical Physics MPhys (Hons)
- Automotive Engineering MEng
- Computer Science (4 year course) MComp
- Computer Science (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Computing for Business and Management (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng
- Genetics BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Economics BSc (Hons)
- Physics with Astrophysics BSc (Hons)
- Zoology BSc (Hons)
- Sustainable Automotive Engineering (with an industrial placement year) MEng
- Sustainable Automotive Engineering (with an industrial placement year) BEng (Hons)
- Computer Science (with an industrial placement) (5 year course) MComp
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering with an industrial placement year BEng (Hons)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering with an industrial placement year MEng
- Mechanical Engineering with an industrial placement year MEng
- Mechanical Engineering with an industrial placement year BEng (Hons)
- Computing for Digital Media and Games (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Psychology with Business and Management BSc (Hons)
- Psychology with Clinical Approaches BSc (Hons)
- Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons)
- Physics (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Finance Mmath
- Mathematics with Finance BSc (Hons)
- Physics (with an industrial placement year) MPhys
- Biochemistry MSci (Hons)
- Biology MSci (Hons)
- Chemistry MChem
- Genetics MSci (Hons)
- Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
- Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) BEng (Hons)
- Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering MEng (Hons)
- Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) MEng (Hons)
- Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
- Mechanical Engineering with Robotics MEng
- Mechanical Engineering with Robotics BEng
- Mechanical Engineering with Robotics (with an industrial placement year) BEng
- Mechanical Engineering with Robotics (with an industrial placement year) MEng
- Biomedical Science MSci
- Neuroscience MSci
- Neuroscience BSc
- Zoology MSci
- Psychology (with professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Biochemistry (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
- Chemistry (with an industrial placement year) MChem
- Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (BM BS)
- Ecology and Conservation BSc (Hons)
- Ecology and Conservation MSci (Hons)
- Geography BSc (Hons)
- Sustainable Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons)
- Sustainable Automotive Engineering MEng
Degree type
Foundation yearPathway duration
2 TermsAnnual tuition fees
$17,896 $22,215Intakes
Jan, Sep
Lynn University
College of Arts and Sciences (Undergrad)
- Biology
- Criminal Justice
- Environmental Science and Policy
- Forensic Investigations
- Political Science
- Psychology

University of Guelph
Bachelor of Applied Science (Undergrad)
- Applied Human Nutrition
- Child Studies
- Family Studies and Human Development

Cleveland State University
School of Nursing (Undergrad)
- Nursing

ONCAMPUS Amsterdam
Econometrics (Postgrad)
- English
- Mathematics 3
- Probability Theory and Statistics 3
- Mathematics 4
- Statistical Learning
- Econometrics 1 and 2
- Mathematical Economics 1
- Time Series Analysis
- Academic Skills Development

Johns Hopkins University
Whiting School of Engineering (Postgrad)
Full-time On-campus Programs:
- Applied Mathematics and Statistics (MSE)
- Bioengineering Innovation and Design (MSE)
- Biomedical Engineering (MSE)
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (MSE, MCBE)
- Civil Engineering (MSE, MCE)
- Computer Science (MSE, MS)
- Data Science (MSE, MS)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSE, MS)
- Engineering Management (MS, MEM)
- Financial Mathematics (MSE, MS)
- Geography and Environmental Engineering (MA, MSE, MS)
- Global Innovation and Leadership through Engineering (MS)
- Materials Science and Engineering (MSE, MMSE)
- Mechanical Engineering (MSE, MME)
- Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (MS)
- Robotics (MSE)
- Security Informatics (MS)
Engineering for Professionals: Online Programs:
- Applied and Computational Mathematics (MS)
- Applied Biomedical Engineering (MS)
- Applied Physics (MS)
- Artificial Intelligence (MS)
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (MSE, MCBE)
- Civil Engineering (MSE, MCE)
- Computer Science (MSE, MS)
- Cybersecurity (MS)
- Data Science (MSE, MS)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSE, MS)
- Engineering Management (MS, MEM)
- Environmental Engineering (MEE)
- Environmental Engineering and Science (MS)
- Environmental Planning and Management (MS)
- Financial Mathematics (MSE, MS)
- Healthcare Systems Engineering (MS)
- Information Systems Engineering (MS)
- Materials Science and Engineering (MSE, MMSE)
- Mechanical Engineering (MSE, MME)
- Space Systems Engineering (MS)
- Systems Engineering (MSE, MS)
Engineering for Professionals: Home-to-Hopkins (Hybrid)*:
- Applied and Computational Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Financial Mathematics

Western Washington University
College of Science and Engineering (Undergrad)
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Plastics and Composites Engineering
- Industrial Design
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Mathematics
- Physics

University of Essex
School of Economics (Undergrad)
- BA Economics*
- BSc Economics*
- BA Business Economics*
- BA Economics with a Modern Language*
- BA Economics with Language Studies
- BA Economics with Psychology*
- BA Financial Economics*
- BA Financial Economics and Accounting*
- BA History and Economics*
- BA International Economics*
- BA Management Economics*
- BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics*
- BA Social Sciences
- BSc Accounting with Economics*
- BSc Actuarial Science*
- BSc Economics and Mathematics*
- BSc Economics and Politics*
- BSc Economics with Data Science*
- BSc Economics with Mathematics*
- BSc Economics with Psychology*
- BSc Finance and Mathematics*
- BSc Financial Economics*
- BSc International Economics*
- BSc Management Economics*
- BSc Psychology with Economics**

Illinois State University
College of Arts and Sciences (Postgrad)
- Anthropology
- Anthropology – Applied Community & Economic Development
- Biological Sciences
- Biological Sciences – Behavior, Ecology, Evolution & Systematics
- Biological Sciences – Bioenergy
- Biological Sciences – Biomathematics
- Biological Sciences – Biotechnology
- Biological Sciences – Conservation Biology
- Biological Sciences – Neuroscience and Physiology
- Chemistry
- Communication
- Economics – Applied Community & Economic Development
- Economics – Applied Economics
- Economics – Electricity, Natural Gas, and Telecommunications Economics
- Economics – Financial Economics
- Economics – Quantitative Economics
- English
- English Education
- History
- Hydrogeology
- Mathematics
- Mathematics – Actuarial Science
- Mathematics – Applied Statistics
- Mathematics – Biomathematics
- Mathematics – Elementary & Middle School Mathematics Education
- Political Science
- Political Science – Applied Community and Economic Development
- Political Science – Global Politics
- Political Science – Public Service
- Psychology – Clinical-Counseling Psychology
- Psychology – Cognitive and Experimental Psychology
- Psychology – Developmental Psychology
- Psychology – Industrial/Organizational-Social Psychology
- Psychology – Quantitative Psychology
- Psychology – Specialist in School Psychology
- Social Work – Child and Family Practice
- Social Work – School Social Work
- Sociology
- Sociology – Applied Community & Economic Development
- Spanish
- Speech Language Pathology

CT University
School of Agriculture and Natural Sciences (Undergrad)
- B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture

Robert Morris University
School of Informatics, Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergrad)
- Cinema & Photography, BA
- Computer Information Systems, BS
- Criminal Justice, BS
- Cybersecurity, BS
- Data Analytics, BS
- Economics, BA
- English -English Studies, BA
- Graphic Design, BA
- History, BA
- Information Sciences, BS
- News & Sports Communication, BA
- Organizational Leadership, BS
- Political Science, BA
- Professional Writing, BA
- Public Relations & Advertising, BA
- Strategic Communication, BA
- UX/UI Design, BA