Study American Studies Abroad with Emonovo

American Studies examines the culture, history, and society of the United States. This interdisciplinary field includes literature, history, and political science. Students explore the social, cultural, and political developments that have shaped the United States. Studying abroad in American Studies through Emonovo provides insights into American society and its global influence, enhancing your understanding of the complexities of American culture.

Save up to £2000
University of Lincoln logo

University of Lincoln

Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS, United Kingdom

Department of Geography (Undergrad)

  1. Geography – BA (Hons)
  2. Geography – BSc (Hons)
  3. Human Geography – MGeog
  4. Physical Geography – MGeog

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$19,387 $21,936


Save up to $5,558.00
Millersville University logo

Millersville University

40 Dilworth Rd, Millersville, PA 17551, United States

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Drawing, Painting and Watercolor (BA)
  2. Interactive & Graphic Design (B.DES)
  3. Speech Communication (BS)
  4. Media Arts Production (BS)
  5. Entertainment Technology (BA)
  6. Anthropology (BA)
  7. Archaeology (BA)
  8. Art & Design (B.DES,BSE,BA)
  9. Economics (BSE,BA)
  10. English (BA)
  11. Language & Culture Studies (BA)
  12. Music (BSE,BA,BS)
  13. Music Education (BSE)
  14. Music Production – Music Industry (BS)
  15. Philosophy (BA)
  16. Art Education (BSE)
  17. Atlantic World Studies (BA)
  18. Botany (BS)
  19. Communication Studies (BS)
  20. Criminology (BA)
  21. French (BA)
  22. German (BA)
  23. Government & Political Affairs (BA)
  24. Graphic Communication (BS)
  25. History (BA,BSE)
  26. Live Audio Production (BS)
  27. Pre-Law (BA)
  28. Public Relations (BS)
  29. Science Writing (BA)
  30. Spanish (BA)
  31. Sport Administration (BS)
  32. Theatre (BS)
  33. Writing Studies (BA)

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$16,674 $22,232


Aug, Jan
Save up to $6,000.00
University of Massachusetts Boston logo

University of Massachusetts Boston

100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125, United States

College of Liberal Arts (Undergrad)

  1. African Studies
  2. American Studies
  3. Anthropology
  4. Archaeology and History
  5. Art
  6. Asian Studies
  7. Classical Languages
  8. Classical Studies
  9. Communication
  10. Criminology and Criminal Justice
  11. Economics
  12. English
  13. Ethics, Social and Political Psychology
  14. French
  15. History
  16. Human Services
  17. International Relations
  18. Italian
  19. Labor Studies
  20. Latin American and Iberian Studies
  21. Music
  22. Philosophy
  23. Philosophy and Public Policy
  24. Political Science
  25. Psychology
  26. Sociology
  27. Spanish
  28. Theatre Arts
  29. Women’s and Gender Studies

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$29,700 $35,700


Aug, Jan
Eötvös Loránd University logo

Eötvös Loránd University

Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3, 1053 Hungary

Faculty of Humanities (Undergrad)

  1. English And American Studies BA*
  2. Hungarian BA**
  3. Neo-latin Languages And Cultures Specialized In Romanian Studies BA***

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees



Mount St. Mary’s University logo

Mount St. Mary’s University

16300 Old Emmitsburg Rd, Emmitsburg, MD 21727, United States

School of Education (Undergrad)

  1. Certification in Education (PreK-12) – Art
  2. Certification in Secondary Education (7-12) -English
  3. Certification in Secondary Education (7-12) -Mathematics
  4. Certification in Secondary Education (7-12) -Social Studies
  5. Certification in Secondary Education (7-12) -Spanish/French/German
  6. Elementary Education
  7. Elementary Education with Special Education Dual Certification

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Aug, Jan
Save up to $4,838.00
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of Drama (Undergrad)

  1. BA Drama
  2. BA Drama and Creative Writing
  3. BA Drama and Literature
  4. BA Film and Drama
  5. BA History and Drama

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$17,633 $22,471


Oct, Jan
Save up to $6,000.00
Western Washington University logo

Western Washington University

516 High St, Bellingham, WA 98225, United States

College of Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Communication Studies
  2. English – Creative Writing Emphasis
  3. English – Literature
  4. Humanities – Religion and Culture
  5. Latin American Studies, BA
  6. History
  7. History – Elementary
  8. History/Social Studies
  9. Journalism – News/Editorial
  10. Journalism – Public Relations
  11. Journalism – Visual Journalism
  12. Kinesiology
  13. Philosophy
  14. Anthropology
  15. Anthropology – Archaeology Concentration
  16. Anthropology – Biocultural Concentration
  17. Anthropology – Elementary
  18. Anthropology/Biology
  19. Anthropology/Social Studies
  20. Communication Science & Disorders
  21. Psychology: Human Development – Elementary
  22. Linguistics
  23. Political Science
  24. Public Health
  25. Recreation Management and Leadership
  26. Psychology
  27. Sociology

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$19,838 $25,838


Sep, Apr
Simmons University logo

Simmons University

the Fenway neighborhood of Boston USA

Law (Undergrad)

  1. Undecided – Pre-Law

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Aug, Jan
Save up to $10,000.00
Lipscomb University logo

Lipscomb University

1 University Park Dr, Nashville, TN 37204, United States

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. American Studies
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Biology
  4. Biomedical Physics
  5. Bioscience and Philosophy
  6. Chemistry and Applied Chemistry
  7. Criminal Justice
  8. English
  9. Family Science
  10. French
  11. German
  12. History
  13. International Affairs
  14. Journalism and New Media
  15. Math Education
  16. Mathematics
  17. Applied Mathematics
  18. Molecular Biology
  19. Philosophy
  20. Physics
  21. Political Science
  22. Psychology
  23. Social Work, B.S.W.
  24. Spanish

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$28,824 $38,824


Jan, Aug
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of History (Postgrad)

  1. MA War, Culture and Society
  2. MA History
  3. MA History, Power, and Identity


Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees



Save up to £2500
University of East London logo

University of East London

University Way, London E16 2RD, United Kingdom

School of Global Development, Politics and Sociology (Postgrad)

  1. MA Conflict, Displacement and Human Security
  2. MSc International Relations
  3. MSc NGO and Development Management
  4. MA Refugee Studies

Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 14,509 USD17,685


Sep, Jan
Save up to $10,000.00
Long Island University, Brooklyn logo

Long Island University, Brooklyn

1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201, United States

Roosevelt School (Undergrad)

  1. BA in International Relations & Diplomacy

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$29,458 $39,458


Jan, Sep
1 2 3 11

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