Study Sociology Abroad with Emonovo

Sociology studies the development, structure, and functioning of human society. This field includes the study of social institutions, social relationships, and social change. Students learn to analyze social phenomena and understand societal dynamics. Studying abroad in Sociology through Emonovo provides exposure to diverse social contexts, enhancing your ability to address social issues and contribute to social development.

University of Central Florida logo

University of Central Florida

4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando, FL 32816, United States

College of Sciences (Postgrad)

  1. Anthropology (MA)
  2. Applied Sociology (MA)
  3. Applied Sociology (MA) – Domestic Violence
  4. Applied Sociology (MA) – Medical Sociology
  5. Biology (MS)
  6. Chemistry (MS)
  7. Chemistry (MS) – Forensic Science Track
  8. Clinical Psychology (MA)
  9. Clinical Psychology (MA) – Applied Pre-Licensure/Non-Thesis
  10. Clinical Psychology (MA) – Research/Thesis
  11. Clinical Psychology (MS)
  12. Communication (MA)
  13. Communication (MA) – Business Communication
  14. Digital Media (MA)
  15. Feature Film Production (MFA)
  16. Forensic Science (MS)
  17. Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology (MA)
  18. Industrial and Organizational Psychology (MS)
  19. Interactive Entertainment (MS)
  20. Mathematical Science (MS)
  21. Mathematical Science (MS) – Financial Mathematics Track
  22. Mathematical Science (MS) – Industrial Mathematics
  23. Physics (MS)
  24. Physics (MS) – Planetary Sciences
  25. Political Science (MA)
  26. Political Science (MA) – American and Comparative Politics
  27. Statistics and Data Science (MS)
  28. Statistics and Data Science (MS) – Data Science Track

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees



Sep, Jan
Save up to £3000
University of East London logo

University of East London

University Way, London E16 2RD, United Kingdom

School of Law, Policing and Justice (Undergrad)

  1. LLB (Hons) Business Law
  2. BA (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice
  3. BA (Hons) Criminology and Psychology
  4. LLB Hons Law
  5. LLB Hons Law With Criminology
  6. LLB Hons Law With International Relations

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 14,110 USD17,903


Sep, Jan
Save up to $4,838.00
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of Childhood studies (Postgrad)

  1. MA Childhood Studies

Degree type



1 Years

Annual tuition fees

$20,190 $25,028


Oct, Jan
Save up to $4,838.00
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of Liberal arts (Undergrad)

  1. BA Liberal Arts
  2. BA Social Change

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$17,633 $22,471


Oct, Jan
  1. Archaeology
  2. BA (Hons)-Film/Media and Journalism Studies
  3. Business Studies and Film/Media-BA (Hons)
  4. Business Studies and Law-BA (Hons)
  5. Business Studies and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  6. Criminology
  7. Criminology and Sociology-BA (Hons)
  8. Exercise and Sports Science
  9. Film and Media-BA (Hons)
  10. Film Production
  11. Film/Media and Journalism Studies-BA (Hons)
  12. Film/Media and Marketing-BA (Hons)
  13. Film/Media and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  14. History
  15. Human Resource Management and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  16. International Politics and Languages-BA (Hons)
  17. International Politics-BA (Hons)
  18. International Relations
  19. International Relations
  20. Journalism
  21. Journalism Studies and Politics-BA (Hons)
  22. Journalism Studies-BA (Hons)
  23. Journalism, Media and Communication-BA
  24. Law-BA
  25. Law-BA (Hons)
  26. Marketing and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  27. Media Studies
  28. Philosophy
  29. Politics
  30. Politics and International Relations-BA
  31. Politics and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  32. Politics and Social Policy-BA (Hons)
  33. Politics and Sociology-BA (Hons)
  34. Politics-BA (Hons)
  35. Psychology
  36. Psychology and Counselling-BA
  37. Psychology-BA
  38. Sociology
  39. Sociology and Social Policy-BA (Hons)
  40. Sports Management

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

Annual tuition fees



Jun, Oct, Jan
Eastern Michigan University logo

Eastern Michigan University

900 Oakwood St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, United States

College of Arts & Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Actuarial Science and Economics [BS]
  2. Africology and African American Studies [BA]
  3. Anthropology [BA]
  4. Art History [BA]
  5. Art [BA]
  6. Art [BFA]
  7. Arts and Entertainment Management [BA]
  8. Biochemistry [BS]
  9. Biology [BS]
  10. Chemistry [BS]
  11. Children’s and Young Adult Literature [BA]
  12. Cinema Studies [BS]
  13. Communication [BA+MA]
  14. Communication [BA]
  15. Communication, Media and Theatre Arts Comprehensive [BA]
  16. Computer Science – Applied [BS]
  17. Computer Science – Curriculum [BS]
  18. Computer Science [BA]
  19. Criminology and Criminal Justice [BA]
  20. Dance [BA]
  21. Data Science and Analytics [BS]
  22. Digital Media Production [BS]
  23. Earth Science [BS]
  24. Economics [BA]
  25. Economics [BBA]
  26. Engineering Physics [BS]
  27. English – Creative Writing [BA]
  28. English – Linguistics [BA]
  29. English – Literature [BA]
  30. English – Professional Writing [BA]
  31. Entertainment Design and Technology [BA]
  32. Environmental Science and Society, Interdisciplinary Program [BS]
  33. Fermentation Science [BS]
  34. French [BA]
  35. Geography [BS]
  36. Geology – General [BS]
  37. Geology – Professional [BS]
  38. Geospatial Information Science and Technology [BS]
  39. Geotourism and Historic Preservation [BS]
  40. German Studies [BA]
  41. History [BA]
  42. International Affairs [BA]
  43. Japanese Language and Culture [BA]
  44. Journalism [BS]
  45. K-12 Bilingual Education [BA]
  46. K-12 French Teaching [BA]
  47. K-12 German Language and Literature [BA]
  48. K-12 Japanese Language and Culture Teaching [BA]
  49. K-12 Music Education – Instrumental [BME]
  50. K-12 Music Education – Vocal [BME]
  51. K-12 Spanish Teaching [BA]
  52. K-12 Visual Art Education [BFA]
  53. Language and International Trade – Japanese [BA]
  54. Mathematics [BS]
  55. Media Studies and Journalism [BS]
  56. Music Performance – Instrumental [B.M.]
  57. Music Performance – Vocal [B.M.]
  58. Music Therapy [BMT]
  59. Music [BA]
  60. Musical Theatre [BA]
  61. Neuroscience Interdisciplinary [BS]
  62. Philosophy [BA]
  63. Physics Research [BS]
  64. Physics [BS]
  65. Political Science Combined [BA + MPA]
  66. Political Science [BA]
  67. Pre-Dentistry
  68. Pre-Engineering Program
  69. Pre-Law
  70. Pre-Medicine/Pre-Health Professions/Pre-Veterinary
  71. Pre-Mortuary Science
  72. Pre-Pharmacy
  73. Psychology [BS]
  74. Public and Nonprofit Administration [BA + MPA]
  75. Public and Nonprofit Administration [BA]
  76. Public Relations Interdisciplinary [BA]
  77. Public Safety Administration [BS]
  78. Quantitative Economics [BS + MS]
  79. Quantitative Economics [BS]
  80. Religious Studies [BA]
  81. Science Literacy [BS] (for Biology Minors)
  82. Science Literacy [BS] (for Chemistry Minors)
  83. Science Literacy [BS] (for Earth Science Minors)
  84. Science Literacy [BS] (for Math Minors)
  85. Science Literacy [BS] (for Physics Minors)
  86. Secondary Education Biology [BS]
  87. Secondary Education Chemistry [BS]
  88. Secondary Education Communication and Theatre Arts Teaching [BA]
  89. Secondary Education Earth Science [BS]
  90. Secondary Education Geography/History Comprehensive [BS]
  91. Secondary Education History/Geography Comprehensive [BA]
  92. Secondary Education Integrated Science Comprehensive [BS]
  93. Secondary Education Language, Literature and Writing [BA]
  94. Secondary Education Mathematics [BS]
  95. Secondary Education Physical Science (For Biology Teaching Minor) [BS]
  96. Secondary Education Physical Science (For Chemistry Teaching Minor) [BS]
  97. Secondary Education Physical Science (For Earth Science Teaching Minor) [BS]
  98. Secondary Education Physical Science (For Physics Teaching Minor) [BS]
  99. Secondary Education Physical Science Comprehensive [BS]
  100. Secondary Education Physics [BS]
  101. Secondary Education Social Studies/Economics Comprehensive [BA]
  102. Secondary Education Social Studies/Geography Comprehensive [BA]
  103. Secondary Education Social Studies/History Comprehensive [BA]
  104. Secondary Education Social Studies/Political Science Comprehensive [BA]
  105. Simulation, Animation and Gaming [BS]
  106. Sociology [BS]
  107. Spanish [BA]
  108. Statistics [BS]
  109. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages/TESOL [BA]
  110. Theatre Arts [BA]
  111. Transportation Planning and Modeling [Undergraduate Certificate]
  112. Urban and Regional Planning [BS]
  113. Women’s and Gender Studies [BA]

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Sep, Jan, May
Save up to $9,160.00
The University of Toledo logo

The University of Toledo

2801 Bancroft St, Toledo, OH 43606, United States

College of Education (Undergrad)

  1. Adolescent and Young Adult Education – Grades 7-12
  2. Art Education
  3. Early Childhood Education – Grades Pre-K-5
  4. Foreign Language Education
  5. Middle Childhood Education – Grades 4-9
  6. Multi-Age Education – Grades Pre-K-12
  7. Music Education
  8. Special Education Intervention Specialist – Grades K-12

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$11,662 $20,822


Aug, Jan
Central Michigan University logo

Central Michigan University

1200 S. Franklin Street Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48859- USA

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Anthropology
  2. English
  3. French
  4. Game Design Thinking
  5. German
  6. History
  7. Intergroup Relations and Justice
  8. International Relations
  9. Military Science
  10. Museum Studies
  11. Philosophy
  12. Political Science
  13. Pre-Law Pathway
  14. Psychology
  15. Public History
  16. Public and Applied Liberal Arts
  17. Public and Nonprofit Administration
  18. Religion
  19. Social Science
  20. Social Studies: Political Science for Secondary Education
  21. Social Work
  22. Sociology
  23. Sociology: Social and Criminal Justice
  24. Sociology: Youth Studies
  25. Spanish
  26. Teaching English Language Arts Grades 5-12
  27. Teaching English Learners
  28. Women and Gender Studies
  29. Youth Studies

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Jan, Aug
Save up to $25,000.00
University of Portland logo

University of Portland

5000 N Willamette Blvd, Portland, OR 97203, United States

College of Arts and Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. Arts Administration, BS
  2. Biochemistry, BS
  3. Biology, BA
  4. Biology, BS
  5. Chemistry, BS
  6. Communication, BA
  7. Economics, BA
  8. English, BA
  9. Environmental Ethics and Policy, BA
  10. Environmental Science, BS
  11. French Studies, BA
  12. Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, BA
  13. General Studies, BA
  14. General Studies, BS
  15. History, BA
  16. Mathematics, Applied, BS
  17. Mathematics, BA
  18. Mathematics, BS
  19. Music, BA
  20. Organizational Communication, BS
  21. Philosophy, BA
  22. Physics, BA
  23. Physics, BS
  24. Political Science & Global Affairs, BA
  25. Psychology, BA
  26. Social Work, BA
  27. Sociology, BA
  28. Spanish, BA
  29. Theater, BA
  30. Theology, BA

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$29,400 $54,400


Aug, Jan, May
Save up to $12,000.00
University of Illinois Chicago logo

University of Illinois Chicago

1200 W Harrison St, Chicago, IL 60607, United States

Liberal Arts & Sciences (Undergrad)

  1. African American Studies
  2. Anthropology
  3. Biochemistry
  4. Biological Sciences: General Biology
  5. Biological Sciences: Molecular, Cellular, and Organismal Biology
  6. Chemistry
  7. Classical Studies
  8. Communication
  9. Criminology, Law, and Justice
  10. Earth and Environmental Sciences
  11. Economics
  12. English: American Literature
  13. English: British & Anglophone Literature
  14. English: Creative Writing; Media
  15. English: Professional Writing
  16. English: Rhetorical & Cultural Studies
  17. French and Francophone Studies
  18. Gender and Women’s Studies
  19. Germanic Studies
  20. Germanic Studies with a Business Minor
  21. History
  22. Integrated Health Studies: Behavioral Health
  23. Integrated Health Studies: Health and Science
  24. Latin American and Latino Studies
  25. Mathematics
  26. Mathematics & Computer Science: Algorithms and Theory
  27. Mathematics & Computer Science: Computational Mathematics
  28. Neuroscience
  29. Philosophy
  30. Physics
  31. Polish, Russian, and Central and Eastern European Studies: Central and Eastern European Studies
  32. Polish, Russian, and Central and Eastern European Studies: Polish Studies; Russian Studies
  33. Political Science: Law & Courts
  34. Political Science: Urban Politics
  35. Psychology: Applied
  36. Psychology: General
  37. Secondary Education Program: Teaching of English
  38. Secondary Education Program: Teaching of French
  39. Secondary Education Program: Teaching of German
  40. Secondary Education Program: Teaching of History
  41. Secondary Education Program: Teaching of Mathematics
  42. Secondary Education Program: Teaching of Spanish
  43. Sociology
  44. Spanish: Hispanic Linguistics
  45. Spanish: Hispanic Literatures and Cultural Studies
  46. Spanish: Hispanic Studies
  47. Statistics: Applied Statistics
  48. Statistics: Statistical Theory & Methods

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$19,020 $31,020


Save up to $4,838.00
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of Psychology (Undergrad)

  1. BEng Neural Engineering with Psychology*
  2. BA Economics with Psychology
  3. BSc Economics with Psychology
  4. BSc Psychology with Economics**
  5. BSc Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience**
  6. BA Psychology**
  7. BSc Psychology**

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$18,775 $23,613


Oct, Jan
College of the Canyons logo

College of the Canyons

26455 Rockwell Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91355, United States

School of Mathematics, Sciences and Health Professions (Undergrad)

  1. Biological Sciences AS
  2. Biology AS-T
  3. Computer Science AS
  4. Computer Science AS-T
  5. Environmental Studies AA
  6. Environmental Science AS-T
  7. Geography AA-T
  8. Geology AS-T
  9. Mathematics AS
  10. Mathematics AS-T
  11. Engineering AS
  12. Liberal Arts & Sciences AA – Math & Science Emphasis
  13. Nursing – LVN to RN AS
  14. Nursing – Registered Nurse AA
  15. Public Health AS-T
  16. Medical Laboratory Technician Program AS
  17. Fire Technology – InService AS
  18. Fire Technology – PreService AS

Degree type



2 Years

Annual tuition fees



Aug, Feb, Jun
1 21 22 23 24 25 29

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